In 2010, Tanzania was classified as a low-income country with high population and economic growth rates that resulted in steadily increasing demand for electricity. Load shedding and unplanned outages...
Malawi’s economy is estimated to have grown by only 1.6 percent in 2023. The resumption of energy production at the Kapichira hydroelectric power plant has improved access to electricity and supported...
Nepal’s economic and social development is being hampered by inadequate energy supply. To address this, the Upper Arun Hydro-Electric Limited (UAHEL), a subsidiary of the Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA)...
The Regional Rusumo Falls Hydroelectric Project (RRFHP) is located in the Nile Equatorial Lakes (NEL) Region of Africa which is a part of the larger Nile River Basin (NRB) region. The NEL-region consists...
The Rampur Hydropower Project (RHP) generated direct, indirect, and induced employment opportunities, improved local infrastructure, and had economic impacts on the region. However, there were challenges...
IFC launched Powered by Women (PbW) Nepal initiative in September 2020 to help hydropower firms realize the benefits of gender equality and diversity. The program, which ended in June 2023, used a peer-to-peer...
The development objective of Tina River Hydropower Development Project is to increase the share of renewable energy through hydropower in Solomon Islands. Some of the negative impacts include: (i) impacts...
This is the eighth progress report to the Board of Executive Directors on the implementation of the management action plan (MAP) in response to the Inspection Panel Investigation Report on the India Vishnugad...
The development objectives of the Technical Assistance for Financing Framework for Rogun Hydropower Project for Tajikistan are to strengthen Rogun Hydropower Plant (HPP) Project’s financial and commercial...
This report includes: reservoirs and Water-Food-Energy-Environment (WFEE) Nexus; reservoir management considering Ecosystem Services (ES) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); and Integrated and Participatory...
Ghana is projected to become hotter and drier in the future (in projections with a 50-year horizon), and the country will continue to experience temperature increases, extreme events like droughts and...
Following a request of the Ministry of Finance (MoF) of the Royal Government of Bhutan (RGoB), a World Bank (WB) virtual mission was conducted with the Ministry of Finance (MoF) Department of Public Debt...
The World Bank is sharing the seventh edition of the Economic Update of Madagascar, which presents our analysis for the period up to the beginning of October 2017 and provides our medium-term economic...