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Solomon Islands - Tina River Hydropower Development Project : C‐13 Noise and Vibration Management Plan (英语)

The development objective of Tina River Hydropower Development Project is to increase the share of renewable energy through hydropower in Solomon Islands. Some of the negative impacts include: (i) impacts on sensitive receptors, roadside properties, water sources from road design, alignment and construction; (ii) increase in traffic volumes from workforce commute and provision of adequate parking; (iii) damage to project roads and wider road network...


  • 2023/09/01

  • 环境评价

  • SFG7751

  • 1

  • 所罗门群岛,

  • 东亚与太平洋区,

  • 2023/09/21

  • Disclosed

  • Solomon Islands - Tina River Hydropower Development Project : C‐13 Noise and Vibration Management Plan

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