On January 27, 2025, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) Board of Governors adopted resolution number seven hundred and eleven. It was resolved that the 2027 Annual Meetings...
Open banking is a data-sharing scheme that allows third-party service providers to access consumer banking data through open application programming interfaces (APIs). Of its many benefits, direct improvements...
Some of the headings included in this issue of the Development Economics Prospects Group (DECPG) daily economics and financial market commentary newsletter are as follows: financial markets; high-income...
The Asian banking sector, like its counterparts globally, does not have high direct sustainability impacts. Nonetheless, the banking sector plays a crucial role in directing capital in one of the highest...
世界上大多数银行均推迟为不良贷款配备准备金,直到太迟才采取行动,而这时周期性低谷已经出现了。不过贷款损失准备金的规模和时间会随着经济发展水平的提高而改善。 只是最近关于银行资本监管的争论,引起了对银行贷款损失准备金可以作为最基本的资本监管框架的组成部分发挥作用的关注。几个国家的全国监管机构已经采用了或计划引入对贷款损失准备金的周期性调整要求, 而巴塞尔(Basel)银行监管委员会正在考虑在范围广泛的银行资本监管框架内,如何对损失准备金惯例提供充分的处理措施。...
人们一般承认,银行资本应该对“未预料到”的损失提供缓冲准备金。这种看法假定,人们在确定贷款损失准备金时考虑到了“预料到的”的损失。不能为贷款损失提供一贯的、国际认可的贷款损失准备金规则会降低资本管理的有效性。在新兴经济中尤其如此。 最近有关赞成银行资本规定的循环效应的讨论忽略了银行贷款损失准备金在整个最低资本规则框架中的重要作用。 人们经常观察到,由于对预料到的信贷损失估计不足而造成的准备金供应不足,在经济衰退过程中加重了最低资本规定的负面效应,因为资本必须能够吸收预料到的和未预料到的损失。另外,当预料到的损失正确反映在贷款利率中而没有反映在准备金做法中的时候,银行收入的波动会加剧银行收益率的实际振荡。...
This press release announced that IFC invested in a guarantee facility for Russian Banks on November 10, 1994. The IFC has approved a guarantee of up to US10 million dollars for the Russian Trade Enhancement...
This press release announces that the International Finance Corporation (IFC) has approved 15 million US dollars underwriting term credit facility for Banco General de Negocios S.A. (BGN), a leading Argentine...
This report is intended for policy-makers concerned with the governments and efficiency of the financial sector and its banking institutions. The essays in this report were written by bankers with experience...
The World Bank signed today an agreement with the Deutsche Bank AG, Dresdner Bank AG, Convnerzbank AG and Westdeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale for a private placement of Deutsche mark Notes in the principal...
The relationships between the earnings and portfolios of the commercial banks of Singapore, the Philippines, and Tailand in 1975-76 are examined. The hypothesis that variations in the portfolio composition...
This news release, dated June 2, 1977, announces the World Bank approved a 40 million dollars loan for Indonesia to assist the operations of Bank Pembangunan Indonesia (BAPINDO), the government owned development...
The World Bank. and a syndicate of six Italian banks headed by Banca Commerciale Italiana signed an agreement today, July 12, covering a public issue in the Italian capital market.
This press release announces that the industrial development in India will be assisted by a World Bank loan of sixty million US dollars to the Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI)...
Progress in fostering economic development in Africa is recorded in the 1968 Annual Report of the World Bank and its affiliate, the International Development Association (IDA).
Mr. George D. Woods, President of the World Bank, today announced the appointment of Mr Arthur Karasz as Director of the European Office of the World Bank Group at 4 Avenue d'Iena, Paris.
This transcript, from the session of regular Board meeting of Executive Directors of the IBRD, held on Tuesday, December 19, 1967 covers, the following: report on IDA meeting in London by Mr. Woods; and...
This transcript, from the session of financial policy committee meeting of the Executive Directors of IBRD held on Thursday, June 1, 1967, covers the report on IDA replenishment, and discussion on interest...
This transcript, from the session of the Executive Directors held on February 10, 1966 covers only the discussion of Regular Board Meeting.