Ratings for the Gaza Emergency Cash for Work and Self-Employment Support Project for West Bank and Gaza were as follows: outcome was highly satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring...
In recent years, there has been renewed attention on policies to enhance the income generating capacity and productivity of the poor (World Bank, 2012). Since both skills and capital can limit productive...
This paper finds that capital and labor incomes in the United States have become more closely associated since the 1980s. This contributed to the well-known increase in the top 1 percent's share of total...
Quantile decomposition methods are used to study the determinants of the gender gap in self-employment earnings across the earnings distribution of four Sub-Saharan countries: the Republic of Congo, Ghana...
有关数据有力地支持这样的假设,即在要素收入分配越不平等的国家,再分配向穷人倾斜的幅度越大,即使在不受老年人收入(即养老金转移支付)在总人口收入中所占比重影响的情况下也是如此。但是,没有充分的证据证明中位投票人假设的正确性,即使在初始(要素)收入分配较不平等的国家,中等收入群体通过再分配获得的收益较多(或失去的较少)。 对内源性增长理论来说,中位投票人假设非常重要。其原因是,它为投票人在较不平等的国家进行更大比重的收入再分配提供了政治机制,并因此(有人认为)会挫伤人们的积极性,减缓国家的经济增长速度。...
This working paper (which comprises two parts) is concerned with several methodological aspects of collecting information on household expenditures. Three issues are discussed in the first part: (1) the...
A technique is developed for estimating earnings functions from data in which both wage earners and self-employed persons are included. The model analyzes labor earnings in a competitive market where self-employment...