Ratings of Urban Institutional and Infrastructure Development Program Project for Ethiopia were as follows: outcome was satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation quality...
The operation will provide the Royal Government of Bhutan (RGoB) access to immediate liquidity in the aftermath of natural disasters including disease outbreaks through an IDA US$40 million Climate and...
The development objective of the Maharashtra Strengthening Institutional Capabilities in Districts for Enabling Growth Operation Project for India is to strengthen institutional capabilities, services...
The Human Capital Program aims to (i) improve the governance and effectiveness of social sectors and (ii) safeguard households against climate and health shocks. Efficiency and sustainability are cross-cutting...
Ratings for the Second Kampala Institutional and Infrastructure Development Project for Uganda were as follows: outcome was satisfactory, Bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and monitoring and...
The development objectives of the Second Institutions and Economic Transformation Development Policy Financing for Mozambique are to: (i) strengthen budget institutions and responsibility; (ii) improve...
Evaluation Insight Notes (EIN) offer new insights from existing evidence on important strategic and operational issues. This EIN draws on Independent Evaluation Group evidence to identify lessons for addressing...
This literature review and framework for mobilization of financing from institutional investors is part of a wider project conducted by the World Bank Group to examine the effectiveness of activities undertaken...
Ratings for the Institutional Strengthening for Territorial Development Policy Framework (DPF) Project for Colombia were as follows: overall outcome and achievement of objectives (efficacy) was moderately...
This paper studies cartels in public infrastructure procurement and analyzes the conditions under which they succeed in generating rents. It first conceptualizes the interplay of the central actors of...
Peru’s economic growth and poverty reduction slowed markedly after the end of the commodity boom. After 15 years of remarkable growth, sources of shared prosperity were drying up as the external context...