This policy brief presents key recommendations for: invest in modernization; raise aspirations; use information and communication technology (ICT) to support technology adoption; increase public and private;...
L’accessibilité doit être prise en compte dans la lutte contre la fracture numérique. Dans les pays moins développés, les communications écrites ou verbales traditionnelles peuvent parfois être les seules...
The world is experiencing a technological revolution with far reaching implications for developing and developed countries. Technological disruption is not new, but the speed at which new technologies...
The Irrigation and Watershed Management Project of Madagascar had a moderately satisfactory overall outcome, a moderately satisfactory performance by the Bank and the monitoring and evaluation was modest...
In a resilient city, the information and communication technology (ICT) industry is used strategically to guide economic growth, develop competitive industries, and create jobs. The local government actively...
This note is a part of a series of policy notes prepared by the World Bank in anticipation of a post-conflict transition in Yemen. These notes aimed to identify immediate priorities for stabilization...
Montenegro Policy Note on Broadband: Achieving Universality of High-Speed Broadband: Review and Application Experience of the EU State Aid Framework aims to provide advice to the Government of Montenegro...
El fortalecimiento institucional del Centro de Gobierno es una tarea ineludible para la lucha contra la pobreza, la promoción de la prosperidad compartida y la mejora de la efectividad del sector público...
En la última década, el Perú ha mostrado un crecimiento económico notable y se ha caracterizado por una reducción importante de la desnutrición crónica, un indicador clave del desarrollo humano.
This report presents findings of a field study in Kenya that took place in October 2014. The first section offers a landscape analysis of Kenya, looking at the regulatory and operating environment of the...
This focus note highlights where and how potential benefits can be realized, recognizing there are challenges and risks. Some hold that digital data are not a full substitute for the richness of an in-person...
This focus note highlights where and how potential benefits can be realized, recognizing there are challenges and risks. Some hold that digital data are not a full substitute for the richness of an in-person...
This focus note highlights where and how potential benefits can be realized, recognizing there are challenges and risks. Some hold that digital data are not a full substitute for the richness of an in-person...