Off-grid solar (OGS) and clean cooking solutions have played a significant role in accelerating universal energy access. An integrated approach, leveraging end-user subsidies (EUS) alongside other public...
The development objective of the Transmission Grid Strengthening Project for Georgia is to increase export of electricity from the newly constructed hydropower generation stations in the Ajara region and...
This report aims to establish a fundamental guide for the cross-border integration of power grids and markets, with a particular focus on the context of developing and emerging countries, to further streamline...
Ratings for the North Eastern Region Power System Improvement Project for India were as follows: outcome and Bank performance were highly satisfactory and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality was...
This guidance note has been developed to serve as a primer for utilities and regulators in developing countries on how to select and implement retail demand response (DR) programs to address electric grid...
The development objective of the Renewable Energy and System Reinforcement Project for Lebanon is to enable cleaner, more reliable, and efficient grid electricity services in Lebanon. The project comprises...
It explores least cost electrification strategies around the world, interacting with country contextual data and different investment scenarios.
The development objective of the Renewable Energy Support and Access Accelerator Project for Botswana is to enable renewable energy grid integration in Botswana and improve electricity service in selected...
From Sun to Roof to Grid: The Economics and Policy of Distributed Photovoltaics explores the benefits, challenges, and risks of DPV, with special attention to the economics of its deployment and its uses...
As the conduit between power demand and supply, the utilities that operate the world's transmission and distribution networks will be the critical link in the energy transition. Utilities will need to...
Rehabilitating electrical distribution circuits and upgrading electricity metering systems, may seem, at first sight, an undertaking which has little to do with citizen engagement. However, in the World...
Grid connectivity in Uganda stands falling below the Sub-Saharan Africa average. This forces households to resort to highly polluting or inefficient fuel sources such as kerosene, torches, or phones to...
Millions of people connected to the main grid in developing countries face unreliable electricity. A 2019 estimate suggested that two billion people suffered annual blackouts of 100 hours or more and that...
The development objective of the Accelerating the Market Transition for Distributed Energy Program as part of Europe and Central Asia Renewable Energy Scale-up (ECARES) Multiphase Programmatic Approach...
Ratings for the Grid Solar and Energy Efficiency Project for Nepal were as follows: outcome was moderately unsatisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality...
The project development objective of the Vietnam Livestock Competitiveness and Food Safety Project—as stated in the financing agreement dated December 10, 2009—included the following three elements: “increase...
Ratings for the Distribution Grid Modernization and Loss Reduction Project for Dominican Republic were as follows: outcome was moderately satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring...
Ratings for the National Electrification Project for Myanmar were as follows: outcome was moderately satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality was...
This report focuses on mini-grid portfolio assessment for Pakistan as of January 2023.
The development objective of the Regional Emergency Solar Power Intervention Project for Western and Central Africa, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Chad, Togo is to rapidly increase grid-connected renewable energy...