This paper suggests that interactions between development agencies and recipient governments are mostly about inputs deemed (but not known) to contribute to improvements in living standards in recipient...
This paper assesses the effects of property titling on households’ access to and use of credit by focusing on household responses to an exogenous change in their formal ownership status. We isolate the...
Microfinance institutions, often criticized for inadequately addressing seasonality and hard-core poverty, have begun to introduce innovative programs designed to tackle both concerns. One such program...
Development agencies expend large amounts of money and manpower ostensibly to achieve development outcomes which improve living conditions in developing countries. If development agencies cared only about...
The unique experimental design of the food support program (programa de apoyo alimentario) is used to analyze in-kind and cash transfers in the poor rural areas of southern states of Mexico. The intent...
Identifying the determinants of entrepreneurship is an important research and policy goal, especially in emerging market economies where lack of capital and supporting infrastructure often imposes stringent...
This paper evaluates whether cost-sharing public interventions are successful in promoting agricultural technology uptake by small and medium farmers, and whether these changes can affect yields. The paper...
Development impact calls for knowledgeable development practitioners. How then do the operational staff of the largest development agency value and use its own research? Is there an incentive to learn...
This study uses administrative data to evaluate the impact of Minas Facil Expresso, a program in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, which expanded a business start-up simplification program to more remote...
This paper estimates the effect of school-based management on student performance in the Philippines using the administrative dataset of all public schools in 23 school districts over a 3-year period...
This paper examines the impact of the three month training component of the Rural Skills Development Project (RSDP) in Bhutan. This project was designed to diversify income sources of rural households...
Despite the popularity and widespread implementation of school feeding programs, evidence of their impact on school participation and nutritional status is mixed. In this study the authors evaluate feeding...
As more resources are being allocated to impact evaluation (IE) in the context of development programs, the need to map out the utilization and influence of evaluations has been increasingly highlighted...
When is the rigorous impact evaluation of development projects a luxury, and when a necessity? The authors study one high-profile case: the Millennium Villages Project (MVP), an experimental and intensive...