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  • Unions can be bad - or good (英语)

    The note questions whether economic analyses, and country experiences allow generalizations, such as those from supporters of labor unions, who see these as a collective voice which enhance productivity...

    文件类型: 简介 报告号: 21704 文件日期: 1995年11月30日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者:

  • Trade increases most workers' welfare (英语)

    The note addresses the immediate gains of trade liberalization to workers' welfare, allowing cheaper imports, and enabling most workers to become more productive, as their products increase in value. One...

    文件类型: 简介 报告号: 21703 文件日期: 1995年11月30日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者:

  • Will wages converge? (英语)

    The note questions whether the twenty first century will be able to usher in, an era of converging incomes; the stakes are high, but the risks of progress may leave some out, namely from as much as the...

    文件类型: 简介 报告号: 21702 文件日期: 1995年11月30日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者:

  • Winners and losers (英语)

    The note focuses on the results of transition, particularly from failed development strategies, and, regardless of whether benefits will occur in the long run. It is the poor, and workers who are especially...

    文件类型: 简介 报告号: 21705 文件日期: 1995年11月30日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者:

  • Decentralization : good results aren't automatic (英语)

    Pushing responsibility, and taxing power down to regional governments, and municipalities, can increase efficiency, and accountability. But to achieve these gains, the necessary social, and institutional...

    文件类型: 简介 报告号: 21701 文件日期: 1995年8月31日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Tanzi, Vito

  • Making infrastructure dollars work (英语)

    Investments in infrastructure can return major benefits - increasing growth, and decreasing poverty. But only when they work, and many don't - wasting time, and money, dashing hopes, fueling cynicism...

    文件类型: 简介 报告号: 21700 文件日期: 1995年8月31日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Ostrom,Elinor

  • Support for the aging (英语)

    Government of all types conclude that improvident citizens leave them no choice - they must get involved in pension schemes. That leads to debate over what sort of plan is best. The answer is that no single...

    文件类型: 简介 报告号: 21698 文件日期: 1995年8月31日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Diamond,Peter A

  • Engendering economics (英语)

    The note examines gender issues, as a term indispensable in discussions of economic development, and, explores research focused on the causes, and cures of gender bias. It identifies the approach that...

    文件类型: 简介 报告号: 21699 文件日期: 1995年8月31日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Folbre, Nancy

  • Self-provision of water and power: costly responses to public failure (英语)

    If private companies in developing countries, cannot get a reliable supply of power, water, telephone service, or transport, they will provide it themselves. In Nigeria, an inefficient public monopoly...

    文件类型: 简介 报告号: 21696 文件日期: 1995年5月31日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Kyu SiLee,Anas, Alex,Gi-Taik Oh

  • Sunk costs : why exporters remain exporters (英语)

    The note reviews the different, and sometimes conflicting, answers to the question of what works to stimulate exports. It reveals that some researchers have concluded that the effect of changes in markets...

    文件类型: 简介 报告号: 21695 文件日期: 1995年5月31日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Roberts, Mark J.,Tybout, James R.

  • Reverse linkages - everybody wins (英语)

    As developing countries increasingly become part of the global economy, they benefit not just themselves, but also industrial countries, and these gains to industrial countries from reverse linkages, are...

    文件类型: 简介 报告号: 21694 文件日期: 1995年5月31日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者:

  • A step backward in agricultural trade at the Uruguay Round? (英语)

    The worldwide liberalization of agricultural trade, intended by last year's Uruguay Round agreement, may not be as great as expected. The aim of the Uruguay Round - to reverse protectionism, and remove...

    文件类型: 简介 报告号: 21690 文件日期: 1995年3月31日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Ingeo, Merlinda D.

  • EU's bananarama - slipping (英语)

    The note reviews the banana world trade, specifying the European Union (EU) consumes almost forty percent of the bananas in the world market; interestingly, Latin America, as the most efficient, lowest-cost...

    文件类型: 简介 报告号: 21691 文件日期: 1995年3月31日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Borrell,Brent William

  • Hope for Latin America's indigenous poor (英语)

    The note addresses the impending needs of indigenous populations in Latin America, where even small improvements in their education would yield large gains in relative wealth. Inequities remain, with the...

    文件类型: 简介 报告号: 21692 文件日期: 1995年3月31日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Psacharopoulos, George,Patrinos, Harry A.

  • Speaking up : "Voice" and public accountability (英语)

    The note spells out the fact that public accountability is eroding in developing countries, and, addresses the seemingly, lack of alternatives to accepting the poor, and declining effectiveness. It explores...

    文件类型: 简介 报告号: 21693 文件日期: 1995年3月31日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Delepierre,Samuel Paul Robert

  • Creating private enterprises and efficient markets (英语)

    The note focuses on privatization, as one of the bright spots on the, generally bleak, Russian economic landscape. Reformers have been able to implement a "corporatization" program; persuade "insider"...

    文件类型: 简介 报告号: 21687 文件日期: 1995年1月31日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Lieberman, Ira W.,Nellis, John,Karlova, Enna,Muk

  • Better health and nutrition for women (英语)

    Many of the leading causes of death, and disability among women in developing countries, can be prevented or treated through highly cost-effective interventions, and special attention is warranted to reaching...

    文件类型: 简介 报告号: 21689 文件日期: 1995年1月31日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Tinker, Anne,Daly, Patricia,Green, Cynthia,Saxen

  • The cost of air pollution abatement (英语)

    Estimates of air pollution abatement costs based on comprehensive U.S. census data, provide a practical basis for decisions by developing countries, on which industries to target, and which emissions charges...

    文件类型: 简介 报告号: 21686 文件日期: 1995年1月31日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Hartman, Raymond S.,Wheeler, David,Singh, Manjul

  • Economic consequences of the transition from civil war to peace (英语)

    Evidence from Africa - especially Ethiopia and Uganda - sheds light on why, when a civil war ends, it takes time to claim a peace dividend. The note suggests there is rarely a substantial peace dividend...

    文件类型: 简介 报告号: 21688 文件日期: 1995年1月31日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Azam, Jean-Paul,Bevan, David,Collier, Paul,Derco

  • Redistribution across age cohorts in pay-as-you-go (英语)

    As the resources of fewer workers are stretched to support a larger old population, pay-as-you-go schemes will inevitably yield rapidly diminishing payoffs to future generations, unless productivity rises...

    文件类型: 简介 报告号: 24793 文件日期: 1994年11月30日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: