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  • Timor-Leste - Social Protection Review : Executive Summary (英语)

    Since it became the first new sovereign state of the 21st century on May 20, 2002, the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste has demonstrated commendable leadership in rebuilding the country’s...

    文件类型: 报告 报告号: 197339 文件日期: 2025年2月26日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: World Bank

  • Timor-Leste - Adaptive Social Protection Assessment (英语)

    This report seeks to support the GoTL in its efforts to build an Adaptive Social Protection (ASP) system. It aims at enhancing knowledge and understanding of ASP and assessing the country’s current capacity...

    文件类型: 报告 报告号: 185807 文件日期: 2023年11月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: World Bank

  • Timor-Leste - Avaliasaun Protesaun Sosial Adaptiva (德顿语)

    Relatóriu ne’e buka atu suporta GoTL iha nia esforsu atu harii sistema PSA ida. Relatoriu ne’e ninia objetivu hodi hasa’e koñesimentu no kompriensaun kona-ba PSA no avalia kapasidade atual nasaun nian...

    文件类型: 报告 报告号: 185807 文件日期: 2023年10月31日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: World Bank

  • Timor-Leste - Social Protection Review : Overview (英语)

    Since it became the first new sovereign state of the 21st century on May 20, 2002, the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste has demonstrated commendable leadership in rebuilding the country’s...

    文件类型: 报告 报告号: 197339 文件日期: 2022年4月30日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: World Bank

  • Timor-Leste - Social Protection Ongororo : Vizaun Jeral (绍纳语)

    Since it became the first new sovereign state of the 21st century on May 20, 2002, the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste has demonstrated commendable leadership in rebuilding the country’s...

    文件类型: 报告 报告号: 197339 文件日期: 2022年4月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Juul Pinxten,Ilsa Meidina,Rita Fernandes,Tanya Adi Putri,Amaro Ximenes

  • Timor-Leste - Social Protection Ongororo : Sumariu Ekzekutivu (绍纳语)

    Sezvo yakava nyika itsva yekutanga ine hutongi hwezana remakore rechi21 musi waMay 20, 2002, Hurumende yeDemocratic Republic of Timor-Leste yakaratidza hutungamiri hunorumbidzwa mukuvakazve hupfumi hwenyika...

    文件类型: 报告 报告号: 197339 文件日期: 2022年4月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Juul Pinxten,Ilsa Meidina,Rita Fernandes,Tanya Adi Putri,Amaro Ximenes

  • Timor-Leste - Social Protection Review (英语)

    Since it became the first new sovereign state of the 21st century on May 20, 2002, the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste has demonstrated commendable leadership in rebuilding the country’s...

    文件类型: 报告 报告号: 197339 文件日期: 2022年4月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Juul Pinxten,Ilsa Meidina,Rita Fernandes,Tanya Adi Putri,Amaro Ximenes