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Timor-Leste - Social Protection Ongororo : Vizaun Jeral (绍纳语)

Since it became the first new sovereign state of the 21st century on May 20, 2002, the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste has demonstrated commendable leadership in rebuilding the country’s economy with reasonably steady degrees of poverty reduction. The nation’s unwavering commitment to social protection is reflected in a national system providing many benefits and services. These programs included pensions for veterans, the elderly...

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  • 2022/04/01

  • 报告

  • 197339

  • 1

  • 东帝汶,

  • 东亚与太平洋区,

  • 2025/02/12

  • Disclosed

  • Timor-Leste - Social Protection Ongororo : Vizaun Jeral

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