The report is structured in four sections and three associated annexes. The first section details the expected results in the intercensal period, in the context of the transition to the establishment of...
The overview of the flow of the Population and Housing Census (PHC) integrated system, the first section, presents the main phases of the data collection processes organization, using the physical and...
This document has five sections. The first section provides an overview of the data quality and coverage concerning the PHC, of the importance of data quality for statistical production, of the attributes...
This report covers recommendations and guidance provided to the Recipient in running the integrated IT system with its components, hardware (including tablets) and software (licenses), including data storage...
The report has three sections. The first section provides an overview of the PHC data collection system’s physical and logical protection and security measures that were applied during the census at cross-organizational...
This report is structured in four sections and annexes. The first section provides a description of the methodology applied for georeferencing farms enumerated during the data collection process of GAC2020...
This document has seven sections. The first section provides an overview of sectorization methodologies. The second section includes the methodology. Section three provides documentation of issues, cleaning...
The report presents: the prerequisites that are important for the application of SDC; they were analyzed and agreed with the INS and the participants in the activities; all the methods considered for the...
This is a cover report presenting the advisory services provided for (a) the development of a multi-annual training needs plan (2021- 2024) for NIS, including STDs based on training needs; (b) carrying...
The purpose of this report is to provide indications and recommendations for assessing the effects of changing the data collection method, in the context of switching to multimodal methods (CAPI/CAWI)...
The purpose of this report is to present the methodology on sampling methods when switching to other type of sample frame (e.g., from master sample to register based frame) for surveys and statistics in...
The purpose of this report is to provide recommendations and best practices for implementing a documented system for the modernization of data collection methods for the statistical surveys carried out...
This report presents the advisory services provided to Recipient on preparing the Recommendations and best practices for implementing a functional IT system for GAC2020 Reports on (i) logistics related...
The purpose of this report is to provide guidance and recommendations for a continuous and real time evaluation of the quality of data collected from administrative and geo-spatial sources in the inter-census...
This report provides recommendations, advice and best practices for the development and customization of an IT Integrated Solution for the Architecture and Computation of the Costs of Products and Activities...
This document has five sections. The first section provides an overview of PHC piloting process in the view of institutional arrangements, organizational aspects and expected data collection and specific...
This report presents the advisory services provided during the two (five-day workshops for NIS statisticians in methodologies and tools for transforming questionnaires in intelligent statistical e-questionnaires...
This report has been prepared drawing on information from previous reports developed under the RAS, including Output 9a - Recommendations to the Recipient in the preparation of a roadmap detailing upcoming...
The Output provides recommendations to the National Institute of Statistics (INS) for the development of the new law on statistics through guidance and inputs focusing on few key areas. The main part of...
The purpose of this report is to present recommendations to assess and promote the quality and coverage of the collected data GAC2020 and data protection, security. This is part of the deliverables under...