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Romania - RAS Agreement on Capacity Building for Statistics : Output 5 – RAS Provided to Recipient on the Note on Recommendations to Improve Statistical Legislation Relative to the Recipient's Draft Law on Official Statistics and NSS (英语)

The Output provides recommendations to the National Institute of Statistics (INS) for the development of the new law on statistics through guidance and inputs focusing on few key areas. The main part of the report provides highlights on the development of these inputs, while Annex 1 focuses on recommendations on the new statistics law, including the application norms and specific subsequent legislation which will consist in government decisions. Annex...


  • 2021/08/01

  • 报告

  • 182545

  • 1

  • 罗马尼亚,

  • 欧洲与中亚区,

  • 2023/06/06

  • Disclosed

  • Romania - RAS Agreement on Capacity Building for Statistics : Output 5 – RAS Provided to Recipient on the Note on Recommendations to Improve Statistical Legislation Relative to the Recipient's Draft Law on Official Statistics and NSS

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