Reliable and modern transportation infrastructure is critical to improving livelihoods around the globe. Trade depends on the ability to get goods to market, even as communities rely on transportation...
In an increasingly global marketplace, commerce is not limited by borders. Instead, trade depends on the ability to get goods to market, even as communities rely on transportation networks to connect them...
Many inhabitants of rural areas in developing countries lack adequate and affordable access to transport infrastructure and services. Improving rural people's access to essential services requires better...
This paper describes and analyses the growth of private sector participation in public transport supply in the countries in the Former Soviet Union in which the World Bank has had recent sector involvement...
Rising incomes, ongoing urbanization and rapid suburbanization are placing increasing demands on most of the world's cities. With more vehicles making more trips over longer distances, urban transport...
This report presents an overview of the discussions held at the workshop. It does not attempt to elaborate on the entire content of the presentations. Instead, it presents highlights of the international...
The role of transport sector operations in the contribution to poverty reduction, needs to be articulated. By and large, transport projects are assessed in terms of reducing transport costs, improving...
The World Bank has financed only a handful of projects involving metros, mostly extension and/or rehabilitation, rather than new lines. The objective of this paper is to provide guidance on how metros...
It is estimated that over the next quarter century, fifty percent of the developing world population will be urbanized, while, increasingly, the urban poor, are experiencing the deprivation of basic infrastructure...
This paper considers world wide experience with a restricted range of the spectrum of options for private participation in the supply of transport infrastructure and services. That range, which is termed...
This paper considers world wide experience with a restricted range of the spectrum of options for private participation in the supply of transport infrastructure and services. That range, which is termed...
The United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) was held in Istanbul in June 1996. The transport division of the Word Bank organized and managed a dialogue on transport. This paper contains:...
Road related expenditures can be classified as: capital expenditures, financed through borrowing for the categories of construction and rehabilitation; or, current expenditures, for periodic and routine...
This paper considers how much regulatory reform may improve performance in urban public passenger transport and the nature of the regulatory reform necessary to achieve the greatest benefit. The report...
This note forms a part of a Bank-wide exercise undertaken by the central vice-presidencies to put the recommendations in the Wapenhaus Report into operation, and is addressed to all Bank staff engaged...
One of the most important demographic and social changes in Asia is rapid urbanization. High productivity and rising incomes in urban areas have resulted in pressing demands for motorized forms of mobility;...
In order to provide its borrowers with high-quality services, the Bank gives priority to ensuring that its staff are familiar with the best water supply practices throughout the world. Staff conducted...
This sector review aims to give perspective and momentum to the evolution of development policy in five infrastructure sub-sectors, by articulating the common issues they face in the present decade. The...
This paper reviews the current air quality strategy being pursued in developed and developing country cities. The present strategy is essentially curative -stabilize emission amounts first and then reduce...