Over the past decade, Bangladesh has achieved strong economic growth and impressive poverty reduction. The country’s great strides in human development, reflected in the lowered fertility rate, improved...
Megacity Dhaka encounters various kinds of natural disasters quite frequently owing to its geographical location and a number of other physical and environmental conditions including low topography, land...
The purpose of this report is to document some of the aforementioned achievements over the 2000-2010 decade and to illustrate their collective impact on poverty in Bangladesh. Analysis is undertaken to...
Bangladesh sixth five year plan underscores the importance of exports for dynamism in the manufacturing sector and provision of high productivity and high income jobs. Indeed, faster export growth will...
Bangladesh is one of the most climate vulnerable countries in the world. Situated in the delta of the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Meghna (GBM) rivers, the country is exposed to a range of river and rainwater...
This report presents findings from the first ever comprehensive survey to document the incidence and quality of secondary madrasas in Bangladesh. Analysis also draws upon other publicly available administrative...
Bangladesh has made good progress in reducing poverty over the past decade despite the series of external shocks which have routinely affected the country. Poverty fell from 49 percent in 2000 to 40 percent...
Bangladesh has recorded impressive economic and social gains since the 1990s. Recent growth has been at levels close to six percent. The country has doubled per capita growth and taken large strides toward...
This report attempts to take stock of where Bangladesh stands in achieving the Education For All (EFA) goals and to suggest policy recommendations that could help towards meeting them by 2015. Among the...
Pharmaceuticals are an extremely important part of health-care expenditures in Bangladesh. Almost one-third of total annual per capita health-care spending is on pharmaceuticals. The domestic pharmaceutical...
Bangladesh stands out as the shining new example in South Asia of a poor country achieving impressive gains in gender equality. Between 1971 and 2004, Bangladesh halved its fertility rates. In much of...
The case studies presented in this volume examine five high value agricultural commodities in Bangladesh. They identify a number of important opportunities, challenges, and requirements that agro-businesses...
As a first step in defining a new policy for the Inland Water Transport (IWT) sector, the present report proposes options and strategies for a revival of IWT in Bangladesh. While lack of resources has...
If Bangladesh were a long-distance runner, its supporters would be applauding the speed and stamina that have brought it from the back of the pack to a place within sight of the leaders. This paper includes...
Bangladesh has made considerable progress in its economic development, presently reaching high average growth of nearly 6 percent. This economic growth has been accompanied by an annual employment growth...
The report, Dhaka: Improving living conditions for the urban poor, presents a comprehensive look at poverty in Dhaka with the goal of providing the basis for an urban poverty reduction strategy for the...
Bangladesh has achieved an impressive steady economic growth of more than 5.5 percent annually over the last decade. However, this growth rate will need to increase dramatically if Bangladesh is to reach...
This report highlights governance issues in Bangladesh's HNP sector that hinder the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery. This study is intended as a first step in gaining a better understanding...
Bangladesh has already achieved one of the millennium development goals (MGDs), namely gender parity in primary and secondary schools. It is likely to achieve several more by 2015. This report analyzes...
The trading relationship between India and Bangladesh is currently of special interest in both countries for a number of reasons. Firstly, there are urgent and longstanding concerns in Bangladesh arising...