Serbia spends relatively large amounts on state aid programs, many of which will have to be phased out or restructured to comply with EU laws. There is room to restructure the existing programs to target...
Montenegro needs to boost economic growth if it is to achieve standards of living found in some neighboring countries. Living standards will only be improved by creating more productive, formal private...
The development objective of Competitiveness and Jobs Project for Serbia is to improve the effectiveness and coordination of selected public programs to alleviate constraints to competitiveness and job...
The recovery of global growth that started in 2010 began to weaken in 2011. During the first half the falloff was linked to the Tohoku nuclear disaster in Japan and high oil prices, but by the end of July...
The recovery of global growth that started in 2010 began to weaken in 2011. During the first half the falloff was linked to the Tohoku nuclear disaster in Japan and high oil prices, but by the end of July...
The recovery of global growth that started in 2010 began to weaken in 2011. During the first half the falloff was linked to the Tohoku nuclear disaster in Japan and high oil prices, but by the end of July...