When a government is indifferent, the initiative for change must come from civil society. Citizens who elect and pay for governments cannot and should not remain quiet when essential services are in disarray...
In this issue: Special report -Client power: making services work for the poor. The Path to Education: A Multi-Dimensional Approach. Making Services Work for Poor People -guest editorial. Voice and Accountability...
市民对公共服务的评议可以揭露低效和腐败,同时促进公共服务的提供者更关注客户意见。因此,公众反馈可以改变行为。 Paul报导了印度班加罗尔市的市民团体是怎样使用公共服务“报告卡”使公众提高对公共服务提供者不良表现的意识,并迫使后者提高效率,更关注客户意见。 报告卡是对该城市服务用户(既有富人也有穷人)所作的一项抽样调查的结果;它根据公众对城市服务各方面的满意程度给提供这些服务的公共机构评级。公众反馈被用来量化腐败程度和其它非直接服务费用。其结果就是公众对公共服务的评价。...
Negotiating change: building local democracy in South Africa. Innovative urban management practices. Institutional behavior change in Tunisian municipalities. Report cards: a novel approach for improving...
Recent theory posits that accountability in public service can be enhanced by the use of "exit" and a "voice" mechanisms. With exit mechanisms, users of public services can choose alternative sources of...
This discussion paper is part of a larger effort within the Bank to analyze and understand the problems of governance and accountability in developing countries as they are pre-requisites for the success...
This paper develops a conceptual framework to analyze the problem of public service accountability in developing countries and to identify alternative ways to strengthen it. An important proposition derived...
Reform of Ghana's macropolicies has helped to create a more favorable business environment and a "level playing field" for the private sector. At this point, instead of further refining its policies, Ghana...
The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the institutional reforms in the World Bank's sector adjustment operations (SECALs) and to assess the Bank's experience in implementing them. The...
As the scope of Bank work in institutional development ( ID ) widens, the design of ID in Bank projects needs to pay increased attention to several emerging problems and inconsistencies : a) without country...
The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the institutional reforms in the World Bank's sector adjustment operations (SECALs) and to assess the Bank's experience in implementing them. The...
Managers, in both the private and public sectors, are increasingly recognized as critical in the use of scarce resources for national development. There is no unanimity of opinion, however, regarding the...
Reform of Ghana's macropolicies has helped to create a more favorable business environment and a "level playing field" for the private sector. At this point, instead of further refining its policies, Ghana...
Pressure to move toward privatization has mounted in the face of severe economic crises both in the developed and developing world. To date, the pace of privatization in the developing world has been slow...
This paper reviews the World Bank's experience with community participation (CP) in a sample of its projects selected from three different sectors; urban housing, population, health and nutrition (PHN)...