This paper proposes a framework for the World Bank Group’s approach to gender equality. Women’s achievements in such fields as education, health, and economic and political participation have not changed...
Lifting people out of poverty is one of the great challenges facing the international community today. It has become still more daunting in the context of the global financial crisis, which has severe...
The global moving out of poverty study is unique in several respects. It is one of the few large-scale comparative research efforts to focus on mobility out of poverty rather than on poverty alone. The...
This study focuses on people who moved out of poverty during the decade from 1995 to 2005 in rural areas of four Indian states: Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal. It also considers...
As the second book in a three-part series entitled Voices of the Poor, "Crying out for Change" accounts for the voices from comparative fieldwork among twenty three countries. Through participatory, and...
International approaches to global climate change; by Richard N. Cooper. Comments on Cooper; by Kenneth J. Arrow. Understanding how contagion spreads; by Rudiger Dornbusch, Yung Chul Park, and Stijn Claessens...
In the 1990s the concept of social capital defined here as the norms and networks that enable people to act collectively enjoyed a remarkable rise to prominence across all the social science disciplines...
The study provides a particularly rich context to disentangle the interplay between the formal and informal institutions, and the interplay between history, politics, and changes in social organization...
As the second book in a three-part series entitled Voices of the Poor, "Crying out for Change" accounts for the voices from comparative fieldwork among twenty three countries. Through participatory, and...
This report on poverty reduction for fiscal 1999 aims to provide an overview of what the Bank is doing to help countries face the challenge of reducing poverty. The report covers three main topics: 1)...
Poverty is pain. Poor people suffer physical pain that comes with too little food and long hours of work; emotional pain stemming from the daily humiliations of dependency and lack of power; and the moral...
The report, Consultations with the Poor was designed to respond to the challenge of how could voices of the poor, their experiences, priorities, reflections and recommendations be incorporated in the World...
无论它们的本质是什么,旨在减贫的干预应该设计为不仅对贫困产生立竿见影的效果,而且要在社会内部以及社会的正式与非正式的制度间培养一种丰富的横向纽带联系网络。 社会资本视角的运用——尤其是沟通或横跨社会团体以及社会团体与政府之间的纽带——为政策设计注入了新的洞识。 社会团体内部的团结创造了将人与资源集结在一起的纽带(联结社会资本)。在不平等的社会,跨团体纽带(桥梁社会资本)对于社会的凝聚力以及减贫来说是必要的。政府与社会之间的互动的本质特点是补充与替代。当政府正常运转时,非正式制度与正式制度能够一起发挥良好的作用——比如说,政府支持以社区为基础的发展。当政府机能不良时,非正式制度就成为正式制度的某种替代,并被弱化到只起一种防御性的功用,或者只起一种维持社会存续的功用。...
This study reveals the power and utility of participatory methods for policy research. It demonstrates practices and processes that can tap the knowledge the poor have about their own reality. By comparing...
A Quality-at-entry review of 108 World Bank projects in 53 countries was undertaken to determine the extent and nature of community driven development (CDD) within the Bank's portfolio. The review included...
A Participatory Poverty Assessment (PPA) was undertaken by the World Bank in collaboration with the Government of Kenya to complement previous statistical studies of poverty in Kenya. While the PPA confirmed...
The Kenya Participatory Poverty Assessment (PPA) was undertaken by the Government of Kenya and the World Bank in 1994. Its primary objectives were to: a) understand poverty from the perspective of the...
Participatory research embodies an approach to data collection that is two-directional--both from the researcher to the subject and from the subject to the researcher. It is a process of collaborative...
Field observations have led many people to believe that beneficiary participation in decision making can contribute greatly to the success of development projects. When people influence or control the...