This paper examines the impacts of the 2008-2009 economic crisis on social spending, drawing on evidence at the global, national, and household levels, to provide a sense of the nature and the effects...
The impacts of health care investments in developing and transition countries are typically measured by inputs and general health outcomes. Missing from the health agenda are measures of performance that...
The impacts of health care investments in developing and transition countries are typically measured by inputs and general health outcomes. Missing from the health agenda are measures of performance that...
This paper reviews the correlations and potential links between health and economic growth and summarizes the evidence on the role of government in improving health status. At the macroeconomic level...
Despite a sharp increase in the share of girls who enroll in, attend, and complete various levels of schooling, an educational gender gap remains in some countries. This paper argues that one explanation...
Informal payments in the health sector in Eastern Europe and Central Asia are emerging as a fundamental aspect of health care financing and a serious impediment to health care reform. Informal payments...
安排在农村地区的技术水平低下的卫生促进员对改善卫生状况或者促进讲究卫生的行为意义甚微。在一个以供给为导向的体系里,这些人员缺乏激励、知识和监督。情况的改善并不必提高成本。 一个以供给为导向的低水平农村卫生促进员网络能对农村卫生保健产生影响吗?几乎没有迹象表明萨尔多瓦现行的农村卫生战略是奏效的,无论卫生促进员是政府雇员还是非政府组织成员。 Lewis、Eskeland与Traa-Valerezo在采集和分析了一手和二手数据之后得出上述结论。...
Effective analysis of hospital performance requires the existence of accurate cost and output data. In most developing countries these are missing due to lack of information systems, or other data sources...
Policymakers in LDCs are currently caught by the conflicting objectives of continuing to make family planning programs widely available and at the same time reducing public expenditures. User support through...