The Social Sector Technical Assistance Credit for Bosnia and Herzegovina had the following ratings: the outcome was unsatisfactory, the sustainability was likely, the institutional development impact was...
International mutual funds are key contributors to the globalization of financial markets and one of the main sources of capital flows to emerging economies. Despite their importance in emerging markets...
This volume questions what have we learned from a decade of empirical research on growth. The response, that " It ' s not factor accumulation: stylized facts and growth models " by William Esasterly and...
1997-1998年的金融危机期间,东亚的股价波动受到了本国和邻国的新闻的刺激。而影响力最大的新闻是关于与国际组织和信用等级评定机构达成协议的报道。但是,一些异常波动似乎是因市场自身的从众性本能而产生的,包括对不利消息的过激反应。 在1997-1998年东亚一片混乱的金融环境里,股价的日波动幅度达到10%已成为家常便饭的事了。Kaminsky 和 Schmukler分析了到底是哪类新闻在兴风作浪,使那些日子里的市场有如惊弓之鸟,不堪一击。...