Gisela is among the large and diverse group of informal sector workers in urban Liberia who lack social protection coverage, have little interaction with formal financial institutions, and depend on informal...
The low pension coverage, notably within the informal sector/self-employed/part-time workers, has motivated countries across Africa, Asia, and Latin America to operationalize voluntary schemes. Over eighty...
The low pension coverage, notably within the informal sector/self-employed/part-time workers, has motivated countries across Africa, Asia, and Latin America to operationalize voluntary schemes. Over eighty...
Vietnam is a country on the cusp of a dramatic ageing of the population. It has an ambitious goal of expanding contributor coverage to 60 percent of the labor force and beneficiary coverage to 60 percent...
The Vietnamese Social Security Institute (VSS) administers mandatory social insurance benefits for six different contingencies - sickness, maternity, old-age and survivorship (pension), labor accident...
This paper reviews Thailand’s social protection (SP) and labor market systems, to assess how they can be strengthened to address the key trends that will shape its society and economy in the coming decades...
Thailand’s labor market faces several challenges. Labor force participation has been declining, the shift of jobs out of the low-productivity agriculture sector has slowed, and informality is the norm...
The informal economy in Africa is large and diverse, and it is the main source of employment in the region. It is projected to grow and create more jobs. The informal economy is well established in the...
Thailand’s labor market faces several challenges. Labor force participation has been declining, the shift of jobs out of the low-productivity agriculture sector has slowed, and informality is the norm...
Thailand’s labor market faces several challenges. Labor force participation has been declining, the shift of jobs out of the low-productivity agriculture sector has slowed, and informality is the norm...
This paper reviews Thailand’s social protection (SP) and labor market systems, to assess how they can be strengthened to address the key trends that will shape its society and economy in the coming decades...
This paper reviews Thailand’s social protection (SP) and labor market systems, to assess how they can be strengthened to address the key trends that will shape its society and economy in the coming decades...
Thailand’s labor market faces several challenges. Labor force participation has been declining, the shift of jobs out of the low-productivity agriculture sector has slowed, and informality is the norm...
The objectives of a well-designed pension system are poverty reduction in old age and income smoothing throughout an individuals' lifetime. Over the last thirty years, changing demographic trends have...
Disability is a complex, evolving and multidimensional concept. According to the World Disability report (2011), disability will be an even greater concern as its prevalence is on the rise due to Ageing...