The World Bank Research Observer is intended for anyone who has a professional interest in development. Observer articles are written to be accessible to nonspecialist readers; contributors examine key...
The authors argue that the academic literature, both qualitative and quantitative, has mislabeled most episodes of large-scale violence in Africa as civil wars; these episodes better fit our concept of...
The authors argue that the academic literature, both qualitative and quantitative, has mislabeled most episodes of large-scale violence in Africa as civil war; these episodes better fit their concept of...
Testing is a potentially important intervention to slow the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) epidemic in Africa and elsewhere. Some countries in Africa have achieved high levels of testing but most have...
This issue includes the following: HIV testing : principles and practice, by Mark Gersovitz. Corporate governance and performance around the world : what we know and what we don't know, by Inessa Love...
A critical objective of Egypt's long-run development plan (through 2022), is the "alleviation of poverty and attenuation of income disparities." Contributing to the refinement of a strategy to meet this...
Infectious diseases, public policy, and the marriage of economics and epidemiology; by Mark Gersovitz and Jeffrey S. Hammer. Globalization and the labor market; by Martin Rama. Developing countries; changing...
如果得了传染病的人能传染他人,而后者又能传染其他人,如此反复不已(纯传染外部效应),那么政府影响私人行为的补贴就应该对预防性和治疗性活动采取一视同仁的态度,尤其是人们病愈之后会再受感染。否则,就应该考虑采取其它补贴和税收战略。 尽管象Peter Francis、Michael Kremer和Tomas Philipson这样的经济学家在 传染病方面写过有益的文章,但有关文献却没有列出预防和治疗这类疾病所涉及的外部效应的一般结构。Gersovitz和Hammer找到了两种外部效应。首先,得了传染病的人会传染他人,而后者又会传染其他人,如此反复不已,即作者称为纯传染的外部效应。在控制自身感染时,人们并不考虑其感染的社会后果。第二,在纯预防外部效应中,一个人的预防行为(如消灭蚊子)可以直接影响他人被感染的可能性,无论该预防行为对采取行动的个人是否有效。...
Egyptian government revenues depend importantly on two indirect taxes (on imports and on sales) and on two direct taxes (on business and personal). In addition to the revenue it provides, each tax affects...
Many African countries interfere with the spatial pattern of agricultural prices and often mandate a spatially constant (panterritorial) price. Such policies are conceptually identical to the pricing of...
When agricultural production is taxed, the system of producer prices, transport logistics, and decisions on investments in transport for exports must be considered together. Many African states raise revenue...