A growing body of literature investigates the labor market implications of scaling up “green” policies. Since most of this literature is focused on developed economies, little is known about the labor...
Low tax compliance in low- and middle-income countries around the world limits the ability of governments to offer effective public services. This paper reports the results of a randomly rolled out text...
How should parents be mobilized for education in Africa? This study implemented a large-scale field experiment in Angolan primary schools, including three treatments: an information campaign at home, simple...
Although research has established the importance of state capacity in economic development, less is known about how state capacity comes about and the role of external partners in the process. This paper...
The COVID-19 pandemic created unprecedented circumstances and challenges in many dimensions, without clear ex ante directions and guidance on the best strategies for coping with the emergency, including...
This paper investigates the immediate and medium-term behavioral response to an emotional trigger designed to affect biases in intertemporal financial decisions. The emotional trigger is provided by a...
The Development Impact Evaluation (DIME) Group generates high-quality and operationally relevant data and research to transform development policy, help reduce extreme poverty, and secure shared prosperity...
Impact Evaluation to Development Impact (i2i) is a multi-donor trust fund managed by Development Impact Evaluation (DIME) in the World Bank Research Group. It is designed to generate high-qualityand operationally...
A new World Bank initiative, ‘Impact Evaluation (IE) - connect for impact,’ aims to radically transform and better inform the way that transport and information and communications technology (ICT) projects...
This paper is a practical guide for researchers and practitioners who want to understand spillover effects in program evaluation. The paper defines spillover effects and discusses why it is important to...
Does research add value to aid? Specifically, does impact evaluation research help or hinder the delivery of development projects? This paper analyzes the question by constructing a new data set of 100...
This brief summarizes the results of a gender impact evaluation study, entitled Conditional cash transfers, adult work incentives, and poverty, conducted in 1997 in Mexico. The study observed the impact...
The authors investigate the relationship between calories, food quality, and household per capita expenditure using regression and semi-parametric methods on a sample of poor households from rural Mexico...
Conditional cash transfer (CCT) programs aim to alleviate poverty through monetary and in-kind benefits, as well as reduce future levels of poverty by encouraging investments in education, health, and...