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  • The State of Economics, the State of the World (英语)

    We live in troubled times. Over the past decade, the world economy has been wracked by financial crises, sovereign debt problems, backlash from political conflict and migrant crises, and, recently, a rise...

    文件类型: 出版 报告号: 168012 文件日期: 2019年11月25日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Basu,Kaushik Chandra,Rosenblatt,David,Sepulveda,Claudia Paz

  • The state of economics, the state of the world (英语)

    This paper, based on the introductory remarks made at the two-day conference on "The State of the Economy, the State of the World," is an idiosyncratic stocktaking of the trajectory of economics from Adam...

    文件类型: 政策研究报告 报告号: WPS7816 文件日期: 2016年9月12日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Basu,Kaushik Chandra

  • Nash on a rotary : two theorems with implications for electoral politics (英语)

    The paper provides a complete characterization of Nash equilibria for games in which n candidates choose a strategy in the form of a platform, each from a circle of feasible platforms, with the aim of...

    文件类型: 政策研究报告 报告号: WPS7701 文件日期: 2016年6月8日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Basu,Kaushik Chandra,Mitra,Tapan

  • Markets and manipulation : time for a paradigm shift ? (英语)

    There is a growing appreciation in economics that people have emotional vulnerabilities, commitments to social norms, and systematic irrationalities, which impact their decision making and choice in the...

    文件类型: 政策研究报告 报告号: WPS7653 文件日期: 2016年4月27日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Basu,Kaushik Chandra

  • Globalization of labor markets and the growth prospects of nations (英语)

    The many and varied crises in the world economy since 2007 seem to have different origins and diverse manifestations. This paper contends that there is however a structural shift beneath the global economy...

    文件类型: 政策研究报告 报告号: WPS7590 文件日期: 2016年3月2日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Basu,Kaushik Chandra

  • Papers and Proceedings of the Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics (英语)

    This volume contains the Papers and Proceedings of the 26th Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics (ABCDE) held on June 15–16, 2015, in Mexico City. The theme of the conference was "Productivity...

    文件类型: 出版 报告号: 140495 文件日期: 2015年6月16日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Basu,Kaushik Chandra,Foster,Andrew D.

  • The republic of beliefs : a new approach to ‘law and economics’ (英语)

    The discipline of law and economics deals with wide-ranging topics, from competition and environmental policy to crime control, and has been instrumental in determining how an economy performs. Yet its...

    文件类型: 政策研究报告 报告号: WPS7259 文件日期: 2015年5月7日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Basu,Kaushik Chandra

  • Development goals in an era of demographic change (英语)

    Chapter one examines the progress made on sustainable poverty reduction and shared prosperity, as well as the policies that are needed to make further progress. With 2015 being a watershed year for global...

    文件类型: 出版 报告号: 100530 文件日期: 2015年1月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Schellekens,Philip,Basu,Kaushik Chandra,Gill,Indermit S.,Kose,Ayhan,Ahmed, S. Amer,Chandra,Vandana,Vargas Da Cruz,Marcio Jose,Dennis,Allen Curtis K.,Eigen-Zucchi,Christian,Gragnolati,Michele,Lofgren,Hans Lennart,Maliszew, Maryla,Quillin,Bryce Ramsey,Simler,Kenneth,Felsenthal,Mark Edgar,Littler,Graeme B.,Ross Larson,Bruce Clifford,Vorisek,Dana Lauren,Nielsen,Lynge,Bayoumi, Tam,Duttagupta, Rupa,Nolan, Sean

  • From tapering to tightening : the impact of the fed's exit on India (英语)

    The "tapering talk" starting on May 22, 2013, when Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke first spoke of the possibility of the U.S. central bank reducing its security purchases, had a sharp negative impact...

    文件类型: 报告号: WPS7071 文件日期: 2014年10月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Basu,Kaushik Chandra,Eichengreen,Barry J.,Gupta,Poonam - DECOS

  • Nash equilibria of games when players' preferences are quasi-transitive (英语)

    Much of game theory is founded on the assumption that individual players are endowed with preferences that can be represented by a real-valued utility function. However, in reality human preferences are...

    文件类型: 政策研究报告 报告号: WPS7037 文件日期: 2014年9月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Basu,Kaushik Chandra,Pattanaik,Prasanta Kumar

  • Ponzis : the science and mystique of a class of financial frauds (英语)

    Ponzis are among the most ubiquitous and least understood phenomena of economic life. They acquired a certain salience with the global financial crisis of 2008 and the crash of Bernie Madoff’s celebrated...

    文件类型: 政策研究报告 报告号: WPS6967 文件日期: 2014年7月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Basu,Kaushik Chandra

  • Asymmetric punishment as an instrument of corruption control (英语)

    The control of bribery is a policy objective in many developing countries. It has been argued that asymmetric punishments could reduce bribery by incentivizing whistle-blowing. This paper investigates...

    文件类型: 政策研究报告 报告号: WPS6933 文件日期: 2014年6月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Basu,Karna,Basu,Kaushik Chandra,Cordella,Tito

  • Fiscal policy as an instrument of investment and growth (英语)

    This paper investigates the role of fiscal guarantees in promoting infrastructure investment. Infrastructure is a critical driver of economic growth, but infrastructure entails significant up-front costs...

    文件类型: 政策研究报告 报告号: WPS6850 文件日期: 2014年5月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Basu,Kaushik Chandra

  • Too small to regulate (英语)

    The paper argues that to achieve compliance of firms with regulations such as product quality or environmental or health standards it is better to have industries with a few large corporations than numerous...

    文件类型: 政策研究报告 报告号: WPS6860 文件日期: 2014年5月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Basu,Kaushik Chandra,Dixit,Avinash K.

  • The method of randomization and the role of reasoned intuition (英语)

    The method of randomization has been a major driver in the recent rise to prominence of empirical development economics. It has helped uncover patterns and facts that had earlier escaped attention. But...

    文件类型: 政策研究报告 报告号: WPS6722 文件日期: 2013年12月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Basu,Kaushik Chandra

  • 未来的资本:相互依存的世界中的储蓄与投资 (汉语)


    文件类型: 出版 报告号: 77743 文件日期: 2013年11月5日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Basu,Kaushik Chandra,Bussolo,Maurizio,Dailami,Mansoor,Timmer,Hans

  • Shared prosperity and the mitigation of poverty : in practice and in precept (英语)

    The World Bank Group recently adopted two overarching goals -- the end of extreme, chronic poverty in the world by 2030 and the promotion of shared prosperity in every society. The paper examines the normative...

    文件类型: 政策研究报告 报告号: WPS6700 文件日期: 2013年11月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Basu,Kaushik Chandra