This paper examines global data on unbanked and underbanked consumers to highlight the role that improved financial literacy and capability could play in motivating and enabling the safe and beneficial...
This chapter presents detailed Global Findex 2021 data on the trends in the use of financial services at the global and regional levels and offers examples from specific economies that exemplify, or contradict...
This chapter presents detailed Global Findex 2021 data on the trends in financial access at the global and regional levels and offers examples from specific economies that exemplify, or cut against, the...
This chapter on financial well-being presents the findings from the Global Findex 2021 survey related to financial resilience in the face of an unexpected expense. Specifically, the section presents answers...
The technological revolution, and the accelerated adoption of digital solutions as a result of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, are transforming access to finance. Importantly, the digital revolution...
The technological revolution, and the accelerated adoption of digital solutions as a result of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, are transforming access to finance. Importantly, the digital revolution...
The history of Iraq over the past decade is a stark example of increasing vertical and horizontal inequalities, preceding and following a period of violent conflict. This paper uses a cross-section of...
The report aims to explore and analyze the major gaps in financial inclusion and access to finance in Romania, as identified in the Technical Note on Financial Intermediation prepared in the context of...
Financial services can help drive development. They help people escape poverty by facilitating investments in their health, education, and businesses. And they make it easier to manage financial emergencies...
Financial services can help drive development. They help people escape poverty by facilitating investments in their health, education, and businesses. And they make it easier to manage financial emergencies...
The ability to manage financial risk is especially important for people earning their living through agriculture. Many farmers only get paid once or twice a year, and households need to stretch their earnings...
The Global Findex Database 2017 presents key findings from the Global Findex database, with detailed insight into how adults in more than 140 economies access accounts, make payments, save, borrow, and...
The Little Data Book on Financial Inclusion 2018 is a pocket edition of the Global Findex database published in 2018. The data represent a third round of data collection since the Global Findex database...
This paper draws on new individual-level survey data from India to study the costs of opening an account and the efficiency of the account application process. The data show a recent increase in account...