Digital technologies, such as digital payments or social media, have the potential to boost business growth; however, female entrepreneurs face barriers to digital adoption. EAPGIL partnered with the Finance...
This article assesses the various challenges and disparities faced by women in urban transport usage, particularly in public transport in three cities in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) - Amman...
Este documento ofrece una síntesis de la guía “Expandiendo la inclusión financiera de las mujeres en México: lineamientos para la adopción de una perspectiva de género en las instituciones del sector financiero.”...
This guidance note provides recommendations on how to operationalize methodological advances for indicators related to women’s economic empowerment in survey design and implementation, focusing on three...
This study uses a mixed methods approach to assess the supply and demand of formal childcare services for children under 5 years old, and their potential impact on female labor force participation. It...
تستخدم هذه الدراسة نهجاً مختلطاً لتقييم العرض والطلب على خدمات رعاية الأطفال تحت سن خمس سنوات، والتأثير المحتمل لهذه الخدمات على مشاركة المرأة في القوى العاملة. وتستعرض الدراسة مراجعة للسياسات والتشريعات...
This tool suite outlines the benefits that can come with a gender diverse supply chain and the reasons that a proactive gender-diverse supply chain policy can yield positive results. It offers strategies...
The development objective of the Integrated Feeder Road Development Project for Mozambique is to enhance road access in selected rural areas in support of livelihoods of local communities and to provide...
This study assesses gender gaps in the energy sector in Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. It is based on a series of focus group discussions and key informant interviews, accompanied...
The development objective of Human Capital and Women and Girls’ Empowerment Project for Central African Republic is to enhance access to essential health services, education and employment opportunities...
This Short Note aims to provide some practical tips for practitioners like World Bank task team leaders in implementing online gig work programs to enable vulnerable populations - such as youth, women...
This note introduces initial findings on the potential of women’s entrepreneurship in cleantech in Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia. It draws on the limited research available at the intersection of gender...
Women often face more hurdles than men in obtaining finance. This is especially so when credit supply is limited and financial markets are less developed. As a result, owners of firms may prefer men over...