The objective of the High Priority Reopening and Maintenance Project of the Democratic Republic of Congo is to re-establish lasting access between provincial capitals and districts and territories in three...
The development objective of the Transport Sector Modernization Program (TSMP) is to improve transport connectivity of the country along priority transport links and to support improvements in transport...
The objective of the Public Works and Urban Management Project for Burundi will be to enhance the climate resilience of key transport and drainage infrastructure in Greater Bujumbura while strengthening...
The development objective of the Hubei Yichang Three Gorges Modern Logistics Center Infrastructure Project for China is to promote thelogistics services and multi-modal transportation along the Yangtze...
The development objectives of Transport Connectivity Project for Paraguay are: to (a) reduce transport connectivity costs and improve road safety along selected paved road sections that pass through targeted...
Two Chinese high-speed rail (HSR) projects supported by World Bank loans - the Nanning-Guangzhou (Nanguang) and Guiyang-Guangzhou (Guiguang) - began operations in late December 2014. The services have...