This paper examines technology sophistication in establishments. To comprehensively measure technology sophistication, a grid is created that covers key business functions and the technologies used to...
This report shows that Romania has the potential to become a significant player in the EU’s green value chains but needs to address its weaknesses to fully capitalize on the opportunities. Firm network...
Los avances tecnológicos pueden causar importantes alteraciones en los mercados laborales. En este informe, se examina el impacto de las computadoras, los robots, la IA y la mejora de las TIC en los mercados...
Los avances tecnológicos pueden causar importantes alteraciones en los mercados laborales. En este informe, se examina el impacto de las computadoras, los robots, la IA y la mejora de las TIC en los mercados...
A revolução da inteligência artificial (IA) está transformando rapidamente a educação, oferecendo oportunidades de personalizar a aprendizagem, apoiar professores e otimizar a gestão educacional. Este...
OECS Skills and Innovation Project aims to promote transversal and advanced technical skills among youth, strengthen regional cooperation in post-secondary education, and foster collaborative innovation...
In 2020, the G20 prioritized enhancing cross-border payments. The updated Roadmap (FSB 2023a) specifies actions to be undertaken to take forward the work focused on three priority themes. IMF and World...
Proper, risk-based data classification of government data ensures such data is handled based on the potential impact to national security if that data were compromised or lost. This report focuses on...
Approximately one billion people globally lack government-recognized identification. As a consequence, they face barriers to accessing critical services and exercising their rights. Robust, inclusive...
Après avoir analysé les développements récents de l’économie ivoirienne ainsi que ses perspectives pour le court et moyen termes, ce sixième rapport sur la situation économique en Côte d’ivoire s’intéresse...