Ratings for the Fiscal Management Development Project for the Gambia were as follows: outcomes were moderately satisfactory, the Bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and the monitoring and evaluation...
Azerbaijan Investment Holding (AIH) was established as a public legal entity under the laws of Azerbaijan where shareholder powers in relation to SOEs are split between the President and key government...
The World Bank presents this report for the WB6 to provide an evidence-based policy narrative to showcase the opportunities for the WB6 transport sector to contribute to the green, resilient, and inclusive...
Sierra Leone is susceptible to economic and climate shocks, which, along with structural bottlenecks, have undermined macroeconomic stability and the ability to sustain growth. The development policy financing...
The Development Policy Financing (DPF) operation supports Cabo Verde’s overarching goal to achieve sustainable and climate-resilient development. The operation, the second in a programmatic series of three...
Staff assesses Uzbekistan’s risk of external debt distress as low and debt carrying capacity as strong. 2 Under the baseline scenario, public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) external debt and total external...
Ratings for the Covid-19 Response Development Policy Operation Project for South Africa were as follows: outcomes were satisfactory, relevance of prior actions was satisfactory, and the bank performance...
This paper evaluates the business support programs deployed in the Kyrgyz Republic amid the emergency triggered by the COVID-19 crisis from 2020 to 2022. This analysis brings to light the fiscal consequences...
This Country Partnership Framework (CPF) lays out the World Bank Group (WBG) strategy for Seychelles for FY25-FY30 to support successful implementation of the Government’s vision outlined in the National...
This report addresses the importance of dividend policies for jurisdictions with profitable or potentially profitable state-owned enterprises (SOEs), against the background of current challenges in public...
The document collection focuses on various aspects of economic and social development, with a particular emphasis on youth perspectives and workforce-related issues. It delves into the challenges of educational...
Reforms implemented in Morocco since the turn of the century paved the way for 20 years of economic expansion and social progress. Starting in 2009, social and economic progress in Morocco experienced...
The Debt Sustainability Analysis (DSA) assesses Togo to be at moderate risk of external debt distress and high overall risk of public debt distress—unchanged from the DSA published in April 2020. While...
This report assesses Uzbekistan´s SOE sector and its current reform trends. The report provides one of the first comprehensive applications of the integrated State-Owned Enterprises Framework (iSOEF) in...
Celebrating thirty-five years since its founding, in FY23 MIGA issued a record 6.4 billion in new guarantees across forty projects. Through these projects, the Agency remained focused on encouraging private...
Celebrating thirty-five years since its founding, in FY23 MIGA issued a record 6.4 billion in new guarantees across forty projects. Through these projects, the Agency remained focused on encouraging private...
This paper assesses the performance of Romanian state-owned enterprises with various degrees of ownership (minority owned with 10 to 24.9 percent stakes, minority owned with 25 to 49.9 percent stakes...
This Development Policy Operation (DPO) of US$800 million supports the Government of Uzbekistan in advancing the country’s transition to an inclusive and resilient market economy. It comprises an IBRD...
During regional instability and global inflation, Tajikistan experienced remarkable economic growth and achieved a record low inflation rate in 2022. The country's economic activity flourished, thanks...
Iraq’s economy continued its recovery after the sharp, pandemic-induced recession in 2020 but growth constraints in the oil sector have reemerged. After moderating in 2022, consumer price inflation ticked...