This policy note consolidates the highlights of a study funded by the Sahel Adaptive Social Protection Program (SASPP), exploring the role and operationalization of dynamic social registries in low-income...
Ratings for the Social Assistance Reform Program for Results (PforR) Project for Indonesia were as follows: outcome was unsatisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation...
This paper studies tax evasion and the contribution-benefit link in the context of maternity benefits in Hungary. Earnings and employment patterns suggest pre-pregnancy underreporting, followed by formalization...
The development objective of the Integrated Early Childhood Development (ECD) Project is to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of cash transfer programs for vulnerable populations, including pregnant...
Ukraine’s situation remains challenging, even though the economy continues to prove resilient and has narrowed the output gap. Reforms and close coordination with international partners have mitigated...
Ukraine’s situation remains challenging, even though the economy continues to prove resilient and has narrowed the output gap. Reforms and close coordination with international partners have mitigated...
Across European Union (EU) countries, the institutional design of Minimum Income (MI) programs varies widely in terms of the benefits and services provided to recipients, despite significant convergence...
The development objective of Scaling Up Shock Responsive Social Protection Project is to protect poor and vulnerable households' consumption in response to shocks in Zambia. This paper seeks the approval...
This report aims to produce a systematic account of the displacement experiences of IDPs in Myanmar and spotlight the unique demographic and socio-economic characteristics of this population. The report...
Ovo je izvješće izrađeno u okviru komponente 2, Razvoj metodologije za sustav praćenja socijalnih politika s naglaskom na angažman dionika, u suradnji s Glavnom upravom za reformu, uz potporu Instrumenta...
The Guidelines for Stakeholder Engagement in the Design and Monitoring of National Strategic Plans aim to guide the Ministry of Labor, Pension System, Family and Social Policy (MLPSFSP), as well as other...
How did the economic crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic impact poor households in Sub-Saharan Africa? This paper tackles this question by combining 73 High-Frequency Phone Surveys collected by national...
This report documents the progress that Pakistanhas made so far in improving its systems fordelivering social protection to its people. Thegovernment has increasingly relied on dataand technology to increase...
In recent decades, economic growth in the Dominican Republic (DR) has been steady. However, growth has not occurred in such a way as to make the benefits widely and evenly available. In fact, although...
This report seeks to support the GoTL in its efforts to build an Adaptive Social Protection (ASP) system. It aims at enhancing knowledge and understanding of ASP and assessing the country’s current capacity...
The frequency and cost of climate change-related disasters have been on the rise in Brazil in the recent decades. Despite Brazil’s progress in decreasing poverty over the past decades, climate change is...
The development objective of the Progestão Piauí: Public Sector Management Efficiency Project for Brazil is to improve efficiency in public resource management in selected departments of the State of Piauí...
This technical note discusses the challenges and opportunities faced by the Ministry of Development, Social Assistance, Family, and Hunger Alleviation (Ministério do Desenvolvimento e Assistência Social...
This technical note discusses the challenges and opportunities faced by the Ministry of Development, Social Assistance, Family, and Hunger Alleviation (Ministério do Desenvolvimento e Assistência Social...