The objective of this assessment is to identify gender and social inclusion gaps with respect to equitable access to clean and modern energy in the Horn of Africa (HoA) borderlands, specifically in Djibouti...
En el ejercicio de 2024, el Grupo Banco Mundial adoptó una nueva y audaz visión de un mundo sin pobreza en un planeta habitable. Para lograrlo, está llevando a cabo reformas que le permitan convertirse...
The development objective of Youth Employment Opportunities Project is to increase productivity and access to employment opportunities among targeted youth in Angola. This project has three components...
Bhutan’s broad-based growth has reduced poverty and inequality over the past decades. To respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and multiple global and domestic crises, the country adopted unorthodox policies...
Ratings for the Integrated Development and Competitiveness Project for Comoros were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality was modest...
This Performance and Learning Review (PLR) takes stock of the World Bank Group’s (WBG) Country Partnership Framework (CPF) for Malawi over FY21-FY25, highlighting key program changes and lessons learned...
Ratings for the Foundations for Competitiveness and Growth Project for Jamaica were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality was substantial...
Ratings for the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME) Development and Growth Project for Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) were as follows: outcome and Bank performance were highly satisfactory, and...
Ratings for the Livestock Sector Development Support Project for Mali were as follows: outcomes were satisfactory, the Bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and the monitoring and evaluation quality...
Ratings for the Guangxi Rural Poverty Alleviation Pilot Project for China were as follows: outcomes were highly satisfactory, the Bank performance was satisfactory, and the monitoring and evaluation quality...
As Bangladesh’s economy grows and the country becomes rapidly urbanized, plastic pollution has become an escalating problem. Moving forward, the Government of Bangladesh aims for sustainable development...
This report analyzes the digital technology adoption of Armenian firms based on the findings of the Armenia ICT Survey administered to over 1,900 firms in 2023 by the Statistical Committee of the Republic...
Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) allows public sector organizations to procure goods and services while maximizing value for money, benefiting society and the economy, and minimizing environmental...
This report focuses on the roots of structural inequality that are at the heart of Africa’s slow progress in reducing extreme poverty. Rather than resulting from differences in talent or effort, structural...
Mongolia faces economic diversification and sustainability challenges owing to its reliance on mining. The 2020 Country Economic Memorandum found that mining-driven growth benefited Mongolia but created...