Desde 2017 el Banco Mundial presta asistencia técnica y financiera al Mineduc a través del Proyecto de Fortalecimiento de las Universidades Estatales en Chile (Banco Mundial, 2017, pp. 17-18), cuyos principales...
El Banco Mundial se compromete a apoyar a los países en sus esfuerzos por promover la inclusión que beneficie a todos, incluidas las minorías sexuales y de género. En los últimos años, muchos países han...
The World Bank is committed to supporting countries in efforts to advance inclusion that benefits all, including sexual and gender minorities. In recent years, many countries have made advances in this...
The World Bank is committed to supporting countries in efforts to advance inclusion that benefits all, including sexual and gender minorities. In recent years, many countries have made advances in this...
The World Bank is committed to supporting countries in efforts to advance inclusion that benefits all, including sexual and gender minorities. In recent years, many countries have made advances in this...
The World Bank is committed to supporting countries in efforts to advance inclusion that benefits all, including sexual and gender minorities. In recent years, many countries have made advances in this...
This cluster-randomized trial in Côte d’Ivoire examined multi-sectoral approaches to improving adolescent girls’ empowerment (AGE). Safe spaces offering life skills and sexual and reproductive health (SRH)...
Despite legal and social advances in the past two decades, sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) people continue to face widespread discrimination and violence in many countries. This discrimination...