This country profile analyzes gender gaps in the disaster risk management (DRM) agenda in Jamaica that influence the exposure and vulnerability, preparedness, and coping capacity of different populations...
The objective of the Agriculture Sector Recovery in Türkiye’s Earthquake-affected Provinces Project is to support the resilient recovery of the agriculture sector in Türkiye’s earthquake-affected provinces...
Liberia’s vulnerability to frequent natural disasters, including floods, disease outbreaks, and health crises, has hampered macroeconomic stability and derailed progress on inclusive growth. This development...
In this study, we applied a methodological approach to assess the value of shoreline protection services provided by mangroves. Our approach involved using global flood risk models to simulate the impact of...
Following the 2020 Management Action Record (MAR) reforms, World Bank Group (WBG) Management prepares an annual self-assessment of its progress toward implementing the full range of outstanding Independent...
The development objective of Pacific Strengthening Correspondent Banking Relationships (CBR) Project is to enable continuous access to correspondent banking services in the participating Pacific Island...
The paper provides practical guidance on how the concept of resilience can be applied by SSI programming as well as Community and Local Development (CLD) work led by other global practices. Targeted primarily...
This Discussion Note examines IDA’s existing framework for addressing vulnerability concerns in its countries. In general, vulnerability refers to the extent to which individuals, communities, or systems...
This report was developed as part of the technical assistance program ‘Phase 2 - Economics of Prevention and Preparedness (EDPP) in European Union (EU) Member States (MS) and Countries under EU Civil Protection...
The development objectives of the Roads and Bridges in the Refugee Hosting Districts and Koboko-Yumbe-Moyo Road Corridor Project for Uganda are to enhance: (a) road transport connectivity in select refugee...
GFDRR is assisting Bangladesh to enhance the climate resilience of its rural power system through a combination of risk mapping, knowledge transfer, and innovative solutions.
In October 2019, the Romanian Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests (MEWF) and the World Bank signed an agreement of the Reimbursable Advisory Service (RAS) ‘Technical Support for the Preparation...
The WB requested hydrometeorological data and reports to INHGA and National MeteorologicalAdministration (ANM) necessary for the hazard modeling and for development of the FHRM. Ultimately, the WB team...
This report is an annex of to the main modelling report (Output 5 - Report on advice provided to MWF in the preparation of draft FHRMs) in which the methodologies applied for hazard and risk mapping are...
Scopul principal al acestui raport este descrierea proceselor desfășurate pentru generareahărților de hazard și de risc la inundații pentru scenariile de cedare a digurilor. Raportulprezintă conceptele...
În luna octombrie 2019, Ministerul Mediului, Apelor și Pădurilor (MMAP) din România și Banca Mondială au semnat un Acord de Prestări Servicii de Asistență Tehnică Rambursabile - Reimbursable Advisory Service...
This report is an annex to the main modelling report (Output 5 - Report on advice provided to MWF in the preparation of draft FHRMs) in which the methodologies applied for hazard and risk mapping are described...
The main purpose of this report is to describe the processes undertaken to generate the floodhazard and risk maps for the dike breach scenario. This report describes the hazard modeling,probability of...