It is often argued that small firms are more flexible than large firms. As a result, small firms perform better in volatile markets compared to large firms. The present paper explores this idea for a representative...
Mongolia has benefited from its mineral wealth, but diversification is now a major priority. But towhat extent is diversificaton possible, and what would it look like? This paper adopts the GrowthIdentfication...
El presente manual describe los principales buzones y módulos a los que tendrán acceso los usuarios de la plataforma de Gobernanza Regulatoria, específicamente para la presentación del Análisis de Impacto...
El avance del cambio tecnológico modifica las formas de producción, generando que las habilidades necesarias para desempeñar las tareas demandadas en el mercado de trabajo se vayan modificando con el tiempo...
El avance del cambio tecnológico modifica las formas de producción, generando que las habilidades necesarias para desempeñar las tareas demandadas en el mercado de trabajo se vayan modificando con el tiempo...
Efforts aimed at supporting domestic revenue mobilization in developing countries are often designed and evaluated based on empirical indicators, such as revenue-to-GDP ratios, which capture differences...
Zoning laws that restrict rural land to agricultural production pose an important institutional barrier to industrial development. We study the effects of the Industrial Areas (IA) program in Karnataka...
The World Bank team responsible for the strategic transformation of agriculture and rural space (STARS) reimbursable advisory services (RAS) project in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture of Croatia...
This paper examines the agricultural productivity–farm size relationship in the context of Bangladesh. Features of Bangladesh's agriculture help overcome several limitations in testing the inverse farm...
This report synthesizes current knowledge about the ongoing transformation of Peru's agriculture and food system, assesses the recent performance of the agricultural sector with an emphasis on productivity...
This report synthesizes current knowledge about the ongoing transformation of Peru's agriculture and food system, assesses the recent performance of the agricultural sector with an emphasis on productivity...
What is the future for agriculture in Peru? Once the principal source of employment and income for much of the population, Peru’s agricultural sector has declined in importance as the national economy...
This Philippines monthly economic developments news letter for the Month of October 2016 has the following highlights : In September, the prospect of a rate hike by the US Federal Reserve initiated net...
Given population and income growth, it is widely expected that the agricultural sector will have to expand the use of water for irrigation to meet rising food demand; at the same time, the competition...
This paper uses farm panel data from Indonesia to examine dynamic patterns of land use, capital investments, and wages in agriculture. The empirical analysis shows that an increase in real wages has induced...
Infrastructure investments are typically long-term. As a result, observed benefits to households and communities may vary considerably over time as short-term outcomes generate or are subsumed by longer-term...
Increasingly, entrepreneurship is being discussed and considered as a source of high economic growth and competitiveness. A conceptual process of creative construction that characterizes the dynamics between...
Drawing on the World Bank Investment Climate Assessment surveys, this paper investigates the relationship between firm-level technical efficiency and the investment climate for 22 developing economies...
The FMEA is a tool for systematically identifying critical functions and process parameters and deficiencies in implementation of the process (production) and, by means of an objective evaluation, defining...
Macroeconomic 'fundamentals' are a most relevant variable for economic development. However, there is wide misunderstanding about which are the 'sound macroeconomic fundamentals,' contributing to sustained...