The Arab Republic of Egypt was well on the path to achieving its demographic dividend at the turn of this century but has gone off track due to a reversal in its earlier fertility decline. But what is...
This report focuses on the Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat (SWOT) analysis of Socio-Demographic profile for Suceava Urban area in Romania as of 2021.
This report focuses on the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis of Socio-Demographic profile for Simeria Urban area in Romania as of 2021.
The town of Simeria is located in the Western development region of Romania, in the eastern part of Hunedoara county, and the town is well connected to the national and European road infrastructure. It...
The population domiciled in Craiova growth pole according to the latest data provided by the NIS on January 1, 2020, of the total population of Romania. The population dynamics within the first peri-urban...
The March 2020 update to PovcalNet involves several changes to the data underlying the global poverty estimates. Some welfare aggregates have been changed for improved harmonization, and some of the CPI...
At the moment, a child born in Uganda will be only 38 percent as productive when she grows up as she can be if she enjoyed complete education and full health, according to the human capital index (HCI)...
O sută şaizeci din cele 319 localităţi urbane ale României au un potenţial demografic extrem de limitat şi aproape sigur se vor micşora în următorul deceniu. Aceștia sunt în curs de ruralizare, suferă...
One hundred sixty of Romania's 319 urban localities have an extremely limited demographic potential and are almost certain to shrink in the coming decade. They are undergoing ruralization, suffering due...
The country benefited from the improved external demand in 2017. Global growth is estimated to have picked up in 2017 to 3.0 percent from 2.4 percent in 2016, reflecting gradual recovery in the euro area...
This program document presents the World Bank Group (WBG) FY17-22 Country Partnership Framework (CPF) for Bulgaria. The timing of the new CPF follows the preparation of theSystematic Country Diagnostic...
The World Bank has recently adopted a target of reducing the proportion of population living below US$1.25 a day at 2005 international prices to 3 percent by 2030. This paper reviews different projection...
This paper offers a comprehensive analysis of poverty in India. It shows that no matter which of the two official poverty lines is used, poverty has declined steadily in all states and for all social and...
The countries of the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region are confronting a number of demographic challenges over the coming decades. These include shrinking populations and labor forces because of below...