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  • Econometric Analysis of Framework Agreements in Brazil and Colombia (英语)

    Procurement of commonly used items is a challenge for government agencies. If the items are repeatedly purchased in one-off fashion, so that the total volume is significant, there may be potential problems...

    文件类型: 报告 报告号: 162226 文件日期: 2021年6月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Lal,Shanker,Cocciolo,Serena Sara Daniela,Samaddar,Sushmita,Pereira De Carvalho,Danilo,Arisoy,Elmas,Sharma,Vinay

  • Room to Read’s REACH Project in South Africa (英语)

    The REACH Project in South Africa was designed to address South Africa’s two significant challenges in providing storybooks for young readers. First, the book supply chain fails to provide adequate quantity...

    文件类型: 工作文件 报告号: 146209 文件日期: 2019年8月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: