Walking is the mode of travel predominantly used in Addis Ababa as more than half of the total daily trips are made on foot. The warm weather in Addis Ababa makes the use of this healthy and green mode...
This placemaking guide builds on the experiences of the World Bank Group activity piloting participatory approaches for urban development in Serbia - placemaking and on other activities implemented under...
Urbanization has posed significant challenges for sustainable growth and development of cities around the world. In Colombo Metropolitan Area, urban challenges such as increased traffic congestion, inadequate...
The intent of this Low-Speed Zone Guide (LSZ Guide) is to empower communities and decision-makers to implement effective low-speed zones. Understanding there are already many detailed technical design...
The growth and intensification of many urban areas has meant city governments increasingly face pressure to limit development to preserve iconic city views. This is frequently achieved through ‘viewshafts’...
Policy makers and city planning professionals who work on transit-oriented development are often interested in evaluating the quality of physical environment around metro stations. How to carry out this...
This report is the outcome of brief visits to three cities - Maseru, Lusaka, and Harare, culminating in a Southern Africa regional workshop in Livingstone in May 2019. The objective of this workshop was...
The report introduces how the Safe System Approach works, with a focus on road infrastructure and road safety engineering best practices from one of the best performing countries in Southeast Asia and...