Despite its intrinsic relevance and policy makers’ efforts to address the infrastructure gap, progress has been limited. A confluence of challenges from macroeconomic shocks and political instability to...
Despite its intrinsic relevance and policy makers’ efforts to address the infrastructure gap, progress has been limited. A confluence of challenges from macroeconomic shocks and political instability to...
Project development funds (PDFs) are dedicated vehicles that governments establish to systematically support the preparation of public-private partnerships (PPPs). The lack of adequate and consolidated...
Although governments around the world have introduced policies to support startups and foster entrepreneurial ecosystems, research findings on the effectiveness of such public support are inconclusive...
This Performance and Learning Review (PLR) summarizes the progress in the implementation of the World Bank Group’s (WBG) Country Partnership Framework (CPF) for the Kingdom of Morocco for FY19-FY24 period...
The Kingdom of Lesotho is a small, mountainous, landlocked, lower-middle income country in Southern Africa. It is surrounded by and deeply integrated with South Africa, the second-largest economy in Sub-Saharan...
Public-private partnerships (PPPs) can sometimes be perceived as a means for delivering infrastructure for free. A more nuanced but still inexact view is that they are a mechanism to overcome fiscal constraints...
Public-private partnerships (PPPs) can sometimes be perceived as a means for delivering infrastructure for free. A more nuanced but still inexact view is that they are a mechanism to overcome fiscal constraints...
Lack of fiscal space and the quest for better efficiency in projects and programs have led to increasing interest in public-private partnerships (PPPs) globally. PPPs are more complex than similar publicly...
The September 2022 update to the Poverty and Inequality Platform (PIP) involves two changes to the data underlying the global poverty estimates. First, this update adopts the 2017 Purchasing Power Parities...
The development objective of Strengthening Reform Management in Jordan is to strengthen coordination and delivery of policy reforms in Jordan with a focus on the Five-Year Reform Agenda. This project has...
The need for public-private partnership (PPP) contract management has led to the development of guidance by multilateral agencies based on global research and lessons learned from operational projects...
This Guidance is intended for governments who wish to include public-private partnerships in their toolkit of methods for delivering infrastructure assets and services. It explains why a suitable PPP legal...
The time for action to build a better future and green recovery has never been stronger as we navigate the uncertainty of a world attempting to manage its way out of a triple crisis: debt sustainability...
This paper focuses on the Panama Pacifico SEZ, one of the most successful SEZs using a public-private partnership (PPP) approach. The effective planning process, demand driven approach, strong private...
Reports on the Observance of Standards and Codes (ROSC) Accounting and Auditing (A&A) assess accounting and auditing practices in participating countries. They form part of a World Bank and International...
There are three stakeholders in a public-private partnership (PPP), (a) the government in office, (b) private firms (financial and non-financial) and investors (individual and institutional), and (c) final...