Compared to other regions, Africa’s population is considerably younger. Within Africa, the number of older people is projected to increase at a similarly rapid pace across all subregions from 2022 to 2050...
The importance of Chronic Disease (CD) in Uruguay has been widely analyzed for many years and in multiple studies and reports1, 2, 3. Its impact on mortality and its high cost of care was decisive in creating...
Four major trends are shaping our world: demographic transition, urban expansion, technological advancement, and frequent shocks from health and climate emergencies. Among the demographic shifts, aging...
The development objective of Anhui Aged Care System Demonstration Project for China is to support establishment and management of diversified aged care service system of Anhui Provincial Government. Some...
The development objective of the Anhui Aged Care System Demonstration Project for China is to support establishment and management of diversified aged care service system of Anhui Provincial Government...
Croatia’s long-term care (LTC) needs will increase substantially in years to come and under investment is not only limiting the country’s productivity but increasing poverty and compromising the sustainability...
Thailand’s labor market faces several challenges. Labor force participation has been declining, the shift of jobs out of the low-productivity agriculture sector has slowed, and informality is the norm...
The aging of populations around the world and the associated fall in the working age population are expected to adversely affect countries’ GDP growth in coming decades. These demographic shifts will also...
The report is structured as follows. In the first section, authors refer to the demographic and labor market context in Montenegro, which indicate the risks and challenges ahead of the pension system in...
What will technological change deliver in the coming decades? And what can we do to determine the outcome? Technological change in any given society is never smooth and always negotiated. Although both...
Wage inequality has declined in Mexico since 2000. Using data from Mexican labor surveys for the period between 2000 and 2014, this paper investigates whether the decline was driven by wages declining...
In recent years, Turkey has been host to more than two million Syrians seeking refuge. Initially concentrated in the southeastern regions, these refugees now reside throughout the country. There are many...
A shrinking working-age population will be the Russian Federation's biggest demographic challenge in coming decades. With workers increasingly scarce, sustainable future economic development depends on...
A shrinking working-age population will be the Russian Federation's biggest demographic challenge in coming decades. With workers increasingly scarce, sustainable future economic development depends on...
Europe’s population is growing older. People are living longer and healthier lives. Wealthier European Union (EU) countries have enjoyed near‐universal access to better health care and seen public health...
The pension and old age security systems that originated in Europe in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries have been effective in sharply reducing poverty rates among the elderly throughout Europe. However...
The pension and old age security systems that originated in Europe in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries have been effective in sharply reducing poverty rates among the elderly throughout Europe. However...
This paper highlights the employment patterns of China's over-45 population and, for perspective, places them in the context of work and retirement patterns in Indonesia, Korea, the United States, and...
As Latin American and the Caribbean countries face rapid aging transitions, the economic contribution of older workers will need to be strengthened. This paper uses household data from Brazil and Mexico...
This technical note highlights some of the work the World Bank has recently conducted in support of the growth agenda outlined in the Europe 2020 strategy. The World Bank is actively supporting the new...