Oportunidades was an innovative anti-poverty program that put additional resources in the hands of women and their families and encouraged parents to invest in the human capital of their children. This...
The objective of Improving Nutrition Outcomes Using the Multiphase Programmatic Approach Project for Madagascar is to increase utilization of an evidence-based package of reproductive, maternal and child...
Stunting is a silent killer. It deprives a child of its right to grow, to thrive and to prosper. Today, stunting snatches away the opportunity of 156 million children to reach their full potential worldwide...
The Second Phase of Scaling Up Nutrition Investments Annual Report presents the continuation of the second phase of a three-phased program between the Government of Japan and the World Bank to support...
The development objective of Multi-Sectoral Action for Nutrition Program Project for Pakistan is to increase the dietary diversity and improve hygiene practices in targeted project districts areas. Some...
Global, national and local policies and programs for agricultural development arerecurrently justified based on their alleged role in improving food and nutrition security.However, strikingly little evidence...