This paper provides an extensive review of the literatures on product and labor market regulations and their effects on labor market outcomes. It uncovers the interdependence of these two types of regulations...
Minimum wages are an essential component of a country's social protection system, aiming to protect vulnerable workers and reduce poverty and wage inequality. Yet, there are risks associated with poor...
This paper unveils a novel externality of product market regulation in the labor market. It shows theoretically and empirically that higher barriers to entry in product markets translate into higher employers’...
Part of a three-region set of papers analyzing coal-related labor market challenges in Poland, this paper focuses on Lower Silesia. The findings call for a more territorial-oriented approach to brokering...
An unprecedented regime change following the 2017 presidential impeachment led to a dramatic shift to more rigid labor market policies in the Republic of Korea, represented by consecutive double-digit...
Across the world, governments use minimum wages, employment protection legislation, and other labor regulations that define the legal boundaries of employment to manage potential labor market imperfections...
Labor regulations are important determinants of resource allocation, productivity, and labor market outcomes. They can protect workers’ rights, enhance job security, and improve working conditions. However...
This report has been prepared as part of the Greece Minimum Wage Technical Assistance(TA). The objective of the TA is to support the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MoLSA) to improve its capacity...
This report has been prepared as part of the Greece Minimum Wage Technical Assistance (TA) provided by the World Bank to the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MoLSA). The objective of this TA is to...
The Third Inclusive and Sustainable Growth Development Policy Financing (DPF) is the final operation in a programmatic series of three. The first operation (for $500 million) was approved by the World...
This paper uses microsimulation techniques to quantify the potential ex-ante impacts of several minimum wage increases on labor market outcomes in Kosovo. The results show that the overall impacts of a...
This report has been prepared as part of the Greece Minimum Wage Technical Assistance (TA) whose objective is to support the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MoLSA) improve its capacity to implement...
In November 2019, the Brazilian government introduced, as part of an employment stimulus package, the Contrato Verde Amarelo (CVA), a wage subsidy program for young first-time employees entering in contracts...
Better Factories Cambodia’s public reporting initiative discloses factory compliance on key legal requirements. This report summarizes the following: Critical Issues, Low Compliance Factories and Strike...