A randomized experiment in Togo found that personal initiative training for small businesses resulted in large and significant impacts for both men and women after two years (Campos et al, 2017). This...
The World Bank’s South Asia Regional Integration and Engagement Program supports transboundary cooperation for greater connectivity, cross-border trade, climate resilience, and human development in the...
Innovations to date in detecting women’s employment have focused primarily on improving individual-level questions. This paper explores an alternative approach, using data on household enterprises and...
Bangladesh is known for its pioneering approaches that support Micro Enterprises (MEs) to alleviate poverty. Microenterprises contribute up to 25 percent of GDP and provide 56 percent of jobs in the country...
The development objective of Jobs and Economic Transformation Project for Burundi is to improve Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSMEs’) access to finance, especially for MSMEs owned by women and refugees...
Using three rounds of the World Bank's Business Pulse Surveys in South Asia, this paper quantifies the relationship between informality and firms' investment and employment decisions. Accounting for multidimensionality...
Most crises have a disproportionately larger negative effect on micro-sized firms. Yet, the heterogeneity of impact within micro-sized firms is lesser known. Using five waves of the World Bank's Business...
In Afghanistan, micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) account for 80 percent of business activity, but less than 5 percent use formal banking services, representing a 4.7 billion dollars financing...
This paper explores the use of digital technologies, their association with performance outcomes, and the main constraints to greater use among microenterprises. The study uses a sample of more than 3,300...
This report corresponds to the Outputs 1 and 2 of the TSI Project 20LT09: Micro Enterprises and Self-employed Tax Regulatory Assessment for Removing Hurdles to Growth in Lithuania. The report provides...
This paper introduces and provides a descriptive analysis of data from more than 15,000 detailed interviews of representative samples of informal businesses operating in 24 cities across seven countries...
Seeking out business advice, for example through classroom training or consulting, can be a profitable investment. Previous research has found that obtaining business advice through classroom training...
Workplace-based learning (WBL) increases the labor market relevance of skills development programs and the employability of their graduates. The advantages of WBL for enriching the learning experience...
Nearly half a billion micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in emerging markets provide livelihood opportunities for millions of low-income populations around the world. Access to relevant, affordable, and...
This paper explores differences and similarities across formal and informal microenterprises in Senegal. It uses a new national sample of more than 500 firms, of which two-thirds are informal and over...
Micro and small enterprises (MSEs) are a vital part of the livelihoods and resilience strategies of poor households across emerging markets. There is evidence that lack of access to finance is one of the...
The objective of the Access to Longer Term for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Project are to improve access to, and strengthen the framework for the provision of, longer term finance for eligible...
In this issue: The State as Employer of Last Resort in Postrevolution Tunisia; What Drives Weak Job Creation in Tunisia?; Macroinsurance for Microenterprises; Testing the Effectiveness of Job Matching...