The recovery of private sector investments in infrastructure (also called private participation in infrastructure (PPI), which began after the COVID-19 pandemic, has continued into 2022. In total, private...
Bhutan’s broad-based growth has reduced poverty and inequality over the past decades. To respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and multiple global and domestic crises, the country adopted unorthodox policies...
The financial sector has a core role to play in increasing investments and supporting enterprise growth and entrepreneurship in non-mining productive sectors in Mongolia. This study endeavors to identify...
This report focuses on the roots of structural inequality that are at the heart of Africa’s slow progress in reducing extreme poverty. Rather than resulting from differences in talent or effort, structural...
With their large, often unparalleled, retail outreach to otherwise underserved areas and populations, Cooperative Financial Institutions (CFIs) have significant potential to deepen financial inclusion...
This guidance note provides practitioners - including technical and sectoral experts and planning advisors - an overview of the process for designing Recovery and Peacebuilding Assessments (RPBA) implementation...
Ky Raport Rajonal i Vendeve të Ballkanit Perëndimor për Klimën dhe Zhvillimin (CCDR) dallohet në disa mënyra. Në një rajon që shpesh nuk ka aleanca rajonale kohezive, ky raport thekson se si sfidat me...
Политике Косова о климатским променама су, делимично, обликоване различитим спољним покретачима и међународним обавезама; Интерно , она мора да постигне већи напредак не само интензивирањем сопствених...
Beneficios económicos medibles que los gobiernos otorgan a sectores productivos específicos, con el objetivo de orientar inversión hacia ciertos sectores o regiones.
Los incentivos a la inversión son beneficios económicos que los gobiernos otorgan a sectores productivos específicos, con el objetivo de orientar inversión hacia ciertos sectores o regiones o de influir...
Este reporte se ha elaborado mediante una investigación documental cuyos hallazgos deberán ser validados por las respectivas autoridades y actores de los países miembros de la ADD. Las recomendaciones...
This press release announces on October 30, 1995, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) launched its debut Euro Czech Koruna bond issue for the amount of CZK 1 billion (approximately US 38.3 million...
This press release announces that the IFC committed a 25 million Dollars Credit Line to a Philippine Company on October 5, 1994. The International Finance Corporation has committed a US25 million-dollar...
This press release announces that the IFC establishes risk management facility for Russian Bank on June 29, 1994. The International Finance Corporation has approved a risk management facility that will...
This press release announced that the IFC will Invest In Malawi's First Merchant Bank on January 13, 1994. The IFC has approved an investment of up to MK 2.25 million (US512,000 dollars equivalent) in...