Livestock plays a critical economic and social role both globally and in the Eastern and Southern Africa region. The livestock sector encompasses a variety of species, with cattle being the most prominent...
Ratings of Sustainable Agricultural Intensification and Food Security Project for Rwanda were as follows: outcome was satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation quality...
Ratings of Strengthening Markets for Agriculture and Rural Transformation Punjab Project for Pakistan were as follows: outcome was moderately satisfactory, Bank performance was moderately satisfactory...
Ratings of Livestock Sector Innovation Project for Nepal were as follows: outcome was moderately satisfactory, Bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation quality was modest...
Ratings for Second Agricultural Growth Project for Ethiopia were as follows: outcomes were moderately satisfactory, the Bank's performance was satisfactory, and the monitoring and evaluation quality was...
Ratings for the Economic and Environmental Rehabilitation of the Niger River Project for Mali were as follows: outcomes were moderately satisfactory, and the Bank's performance was also moderately satisfactory...
Ratings for the Livestock Sector Development Support Project for Mali were as follows: outcomes were satisfactory, the Bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and the monitoring and evaluation quality...
Ratings for the Emergency Food Security Project for Guinea-Bissau were as follows: outcome and Bank performance were satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality was substantial. Some...
Employment in Bhutan stabilized with minor changes. The employment rate remained steady, as 18.7 percent gained jobs and 17.4 percent lost them. Paid work slightly increased from 48.0 percent to 49.4 percent...
This paper provides (i) the FY24 IDA country allocations; (ii) the key input data on which these country allocations were based, and (iii) information on allocations under IDA’s windows, namely the Regional...
The global agrifood system has been largely overlooked in the fight against climate change. Yet, greenhouse gas emissions from the agrifood system are so big that they alone could cause the world to miss...
The global agrifood system has been largely overlooked in the fight against climate change. Yet, greenhouse gas emissions from the agrifood system are so big that they alone could cause the world to miss...