Zimbabwe, a landlocked African country, is vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. The primary sectors crucial for economic growth, outlined in its initial Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC)...
The development objective of Geospatial Infrastructure and Valuation Enhancement (GIVE) Project is to improve the accuracy and accessibility of land administration information in the Federation of Bosnia...
Ratings for the Modernization of Real Property Registration and Cadastre Project (MRPRCP) for Uzbekistan were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was satisfactory and monitoring and evaluation (M...
This article explores the links between conflict, land and indigenous peoples in several regions of Mindano, the Philippines, notorious for their levels of poverty and conflict. The analysis takes advantage...
The development objectives of Rural Land Tenure Management Strengthening Program Project for Côte d'Ivoire are to: digitize and increase coverage of customary rural land administration systems and increase...
The development objective of Public Information and Awareness Services for Vulnerable Communities in Kosovo Project is to improve access to land and property registration information and counseling services...
Land use planning is one of the most important policy instruments for urban and regional development aiming to meet the needs of the populations while considering various factors such as environmental...
The development objective of the Real Estate Registration Project for West Bank and Gaza is to enhance tenure security and improve real estate registration services. Some of the negative impacts and mitigation...
World Bank is engaging in Securing Customary Tenure in Lao PDR Technical Assistance (FCPF TA) with Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) funding. The TA aims to support the government of Lao PDR (GoL)...
Land Administration Reform Project (LARP) for Lesotho is funded under the Private Sector Development (PSD) project of the Compact. The project aimed to support private sector development in several ways...
This discussion note profiles approaches for supporting farmers to obtain legal recognition of their informal land rights through government land allocation programs and joint titling.
This discussion note describes an intervention to informally register customary land rights in the Manipur Hills.
This discussion note summarizes India’s efforts to strengthen the land rights of poor and vulnerable farmers through land leasing reform and provides recommendations to ensure that tenant, women, and Dalit...
Transparency is a key element of the quality of land administration systems. Transparency eliminates asymmetrical information between users and officials with respect to services provided by the land administration...
The Land Governance Assessment Framework (LGAF) is a diagnostic tool to assess the status of land governance at country level using a participatory process that draws systematically on existing evidence...