This policy brief presents key recommendations for: invest in modernization; raise aspirations; use information and communication technology (ICT) to support technology adoption; increase public and private;...
Ratings for the Governance and Policy Program for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Project for Pakistan were as follows: outcome was moderately satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation...
The World Bank developed the EdTech Readiness Index (ETRI) to support countries in monitoring the extent to which technology supports teaching and learning processes within traditional school environments...
Ecuador ha logrado avances significativos en la adopción de tecnologías digitales durante la última década, y el 60 por ciento de los hogares ahora tienen acceso a Internet, un aumento de 28 puntos porcentuales...
Ecuador has made significant progress in the adoption of digital technologies over the past decade, with 60 percent of households now having access to the internet, a 28-percentage point increase from...
Este informe resume los resultados de la asistencia técnica financiada por el Fondo Fiduciario Global del Banco Mundial, destinada a fortalecer el sistema de servicios y gestión de programas para abordar...
The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020 caused a severe disruption to the global education sector, shuttering schools, and other education institutions for long periods of time. While the authors...
The development objective of the Learning Acceleration in Secondary Education (LAISE) Operation for Bangladesh is to improve student learning and retention and build system resilience in secondary education...
Ratings for the eGovernment Project for Burkina Faso were as follows: outcome was satisfactory, Bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality was modest...
The development objective of Bhutan - Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Program (HCRRP) - Additional Financing is to support building, protecting, and utilizing human capital in Bhutan. This is a...
In the mid-2000s, like many Latin American countries, Uruguay had limited access to digital technologies, including personal computers and the internet. Moreover, access to these technologies varied considerably...
The development objective of the Building Institutions and Systems to Harness and Realize Agenda 2063 Project for Africa is to improve the capacity of the African Union Commission (AUC) and the African...
The development objectives of the Identification (ID) for Inclusive Service Delivery and Digital Transformation in Indonesia Project for Indonesia are to strengthen population and civil registration and...
The development objective of the Eastern Africa Regional Digital Integration Project for Eastern and Southern Africa, Somalia, South Sudan is to promote the expansion of an integrated digital market across...
This report provides a benchmark assessment of overall public service management and performance in Zanzibar, and look in particular at the role of information and communication technology (ICT) to deliver...
Ratings for the Smart Government Project for Mongolia were as follows: outcome was moderately satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality was substantial...
Disability-inclusive disaster risk management (DRM) that guarantees and supports the rights of persons with a range of physical, sensory, mental, and psychological challenges to participate in all processes...
Governments around the world are leveraging the power of technology in transformative ways to realize the promise of digital government: improving public service delivery, administration, and social value...
Technology adoption is key to boost productivity growth and poverty reduction in Malawi. This paper describes a novel approach to measure technology adoption at the firm level and applies to a sample of...