تقدم هذه الموجزة إطارًا واسعًا يحدد أنواع الأنشطة التقييمية التي يجب على المعلمين تنفيذها في الفصل الدراسي؛ تغطي المبادئ الرئيسية في أطر التقييم في الفصل الدراسي ومحتويات التقييم التي تعكس مبادئ المنهج...
The report is organized into six main sections. The first section provides an overview of the context in Edo. Section two summarized the central interventions part of EdoBESST and how they are based on...
Rapid population growth and urbanization place substantial demands on African countries’ infrastructures. With this, major investments in public infrastructure, including transport, telecommunications...
The development objective of Strengthening Tertiary Education for Employability Innovation and Resilience Project for Tunisia is to improve the employability of students and strengthen the quality and...
Desde 2017 el Banco Mundial presta asistencia técnica y financiera al Mineduc a través del Proyecto de Fortalecimiento de las Universidades Estatales en Chile (Banco Mundial, 2017, pp. 17-18), cuyos principales...
Western Balkan countries are consistent participants in international learning assessments like the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) and Progress in International Reading Literacy (PIRLS)...
Lebanon’s education system has faced severe disruptions since 2019, leading to significant learning losses. A recent pilot tested the Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) approach, which groups students...
Lebanon’s education system has faced severe disruptions since 2019, leading to significant learning losses. A recent pilot tested the Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) approach, which groups students...
La información presentada en este informe recoge los puntos relevantes de la investigación de FLACSO (Flacso, 2024), los insumos de mesas de diálogo con las autoridades y las reflexiones del equipo del...
This brief provides a broad framework that sets out the types of assessment activities that teachers should implement in the classroom; cover key principles in classroom assessment frameworks and assessment...
Armenia can improve educational outcomes without increasing expenditures both through quantitative inputs and the qualitative inputs.
This report, Trajectories: Prosperity and Poverty Reduction in the Colombian Territory, explores the factors behind the lower capacity of many to lead productive lives in Colombia, particularly their lower...
El Salvador goza de un importante bono demográfico: uno de cada cinco salvadoreños tiene entre 15 y 24 años. Asegurar el bienestar de este segmento de la población es doblemente beneficioso: mejora las...
Este informe, Trayectorias: Prosperidad y Reducción de la Pobreza en el Territorio Colombiano, explora los factores detrás de la menor capacidad de muchas personas para llevar una vida productiva en Colombia...
Madagascar's human capital is highly vulnerable to climate change, with around 25% of the population living in areas prone to droughts, cyclones, or floods. These regions also suffer from low levels of...
Este reporte da cumplimiento al documento 1 del entregable 2 de la Cooperación/Acuerdo de Servicios Reembolsables (RAS, por sus siglas en inglés) PCode P505869 de 2024, firmado entre la Agencia Distrital...