Malaysia has recorded a cumulative total of over 98,000 persons infected with HIV by the end of 2012. The number of recorded cases of HIV infection in Malaysia is highest among people who inject drugs(PWID)...
Compulsory drug detention centers (CDDCs) are common throughout Asia. However, medical treatments for substance use disorders, such as opioid agonist treatment (OAT), are generally unavailable in these...
Detention of people who use drugs into compulsory drug detention centres (CDDCs) is common throughout East and Southeast Asia. Evidence-based pharmacological therapies for treating substance use disorders...
The KC3 clients report being very satisfied with the comprehensive package of health services offered under the BCP and they feel welcome and accepted at the KC3. Community members in Kamagayan, including...
The People Who Inject Drugs Operations Research (PWID OR) under the initiation of theDepartment of Health with the support of Asian Development Bank and the World Bank, pilottested the comprehensive community-based...
Cases of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections were first detected in Malaysia in 1986. Since then, the number of new HIV cases has been increasing steadily to a peak of 6,978 new cases detected...
The overall outcome rating of the HIV/AIDS Prevention Project for Vietnam was judged to be moderately satisfactory. The Bank performance was satisfactory and the borrower performance ratings were moderately...
It is perceived that little is known about the epidemiology of HIV infection among people who inject drugs (PWID) in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). The primary objective of this study was to...
Ratings for the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection / Acquired Immunode Ficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) Prevention Project for Afghanistan were as follows: outcomes were moderately satisfactory; risk to...
This publication addresses research questions related to an increase in the levels of access and utilization for four key interventions that have the potential to significantly reduce HIV infections among...
This study aimed to estimate the cost-effectiveness and return on investment of HIV programs implemented during 2003-2010 in Indonesia and to contribute to the allocative efficiency of the HIV prevention...
The objective of this systematic review was to examine risk factors associated with HIV prevalence among PWID in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia and to describe the response to HIV in this...
Ratings for the AIDS Control Project for Central Asia were as follows: outcomes were moderately unsatisfactory, the risk to development outcome was significant, the Bank performance was moderately unsatisfactory...
China's AIDS epidemic is mostly concentrated in high-risk populations, especially injection drug users and sex workers. Implementation of harm reduction programs in China has expanded rapidly in the past...