Photovoltaic-powered groundwater pumping offers a transformative solution for water services in underserved areas. However, without proper regulation, this technology could overexploit groundwater resources...
The development objective of the Irrigation Modernization Project for Türkiye is to improve irrigation delivery, through rehabilitation and modernization of distribution infrastructure in selected schemes...
Sub-Saharan Africa’s low agricultural productivity exacerbates rural poverty. An important investment, the sustainable use of groundwater for irrigation, has the potential to increase agricultural productivity...
In major parts of the world, irrigation development has reached its limits in terms of land and water resources, as evident in the alarming overexploitation of groundwater resources and the deterioration...
Borewells for groundwater extraction have proliferated across South Asia, encouraged by subsidized electricity for pumping. Because borewells operating near one another experience mutually attenuated discharges...
At the global level, groundwater can buffer a third of the losses in economic growth caused by droughts and can protect cities against day-zero-type events. It is especially important for agriculture...
This report focuses on data from a survey of 10,000 farmers across Punjab, conducted in May and June 2022, which establishes four key stylized facts about groundwater irrigation in Punjab Province, where...