This guidance note has been developed to serve as a primer for utilities and regulators in developing countries on how to select and implement retail demand response (DR) programs to address electric grid...
As the conduit between power demand and supply, the utilities that operate the world's transmission and distribution networks will be the critical link in the energy transition. Utilities will need to...
Como administradoras de las redes eléctricas mundiales, las empresas de suministro serán un factor primordial de los esfuerzos para descarbonizar el suministro de electricidad y electricar la demanda de...
En leur qualité de gestionnaires des réseaux électriques mondiaux, les compagnies d'électricité seront au cur des eorts visant à décarboner l'ore d'électricité et à accroître la demande d'énergie (les...
As the conduit between power demand and supply, the utilities that operate the world's transmission and distribution networks will be the critical link in the energy transition. Utilities will need to...
ال يمكن تحقيق التحُّول في مجال الطاقة وتعميم خدمات الكهرباء دون تحسين أداء مرافق الكهرباء. ستقوم المرافق، بوصفها القائمة على تشغيل شبكات الكهرباء حول العالم، بدور محوري ضمن جهود خفض االنبعاثات الكربونية...
As the conduit between power demand and supply, the utilities that operate the world's transmission and distribution networks will be the critical link in the energy transition. Utilities will need to...
La operación propuesta se basa en las enseñanzas extraídas de iniciativas anteriores para ayudar a Bolivia a alcanzar sus objetivos de lograr el acceso universal a los servicios eléctricos y mejorar la...
The development objective of the Improving Sustainable Access to Electricity Project for Bolivia is to expand and improve access to sustainable electricity services in rural areas of Bolivia. The project...
Ratings for the Grid Solar and Energy Efficiency Project for Nepal were as follows: outcome was moderately unsatisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality...
Ratings for the Distribution Grid Modernization and Loss Reduction Project for Dominican Republic were as follows: outcome was moderately satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring...
Ratings for the National Electrification Project for Myanmar were as follows: outcome was moderately satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality was...
This report focuses on mini-grid portfolio assessment for Pakistan as of January 2023.